Thinking Anglicans

More on the General Convention marriage canon proposals

Updated Friday

The first TA article about this can be found here. A number of further items have been published.

Tobias Haller has published a series of three blog articles:

A new website, Fully Alive has been launched, sponsored by Communion Partner Bishops, to continue the criticisms first made in the paper Marriage in Creation and Covenant.

This contains additional articles: see

But also, some papers published there take a different view, see

Another different view has been published by Craig Uffmann and can be found on the website of the Diocese of Rochester (USA):


Yet another paper has been published, this one by two American bishops, Scott Benhase (Georgia) and Dorsey McConnell (Pittsburgh), titled A More Excellent Way.

Once again, Tobias Haller has responded, see One Last Question on the Canon Change.

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9 years ago

American Episcopalians are, of course, not the only Christians dealing with the theology of marriage. This week, the Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church is discussing changing its canons on marriage. (pp. 48-50). The report of its Doctrine Committee can be found here: In addition, yesterday the noted American evangelical, Tony Campolo, issued a statement advising that he has changed his views and sats that “countless hours of prayer, study, conversation and emotional turmoil [have brought] me to the place where I am finally ready to call for the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church.”… Read more »

Dennis Roberts
Dennis Roberts
9 years ago

Mr. Giuliano, after spending much time reading and rereading your answer it seems to me that it might be helpful to say this to you and your Communion Partner allies: the exclusivists no longer own marriage, not within the culture and not within the Episcopal Church. You are free to go and create a new ritual or institution, and you can call it whatever you want. But today no one can credibly use the word “marriage” to mean an exclusivist straights-only institution. That old bigotry is washed out of the definition, now. Marriage includes equal marriage, and the exclusivists no… Read more »

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