Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 12 March 2016

The Church of England marked International Women’s Day 2016 with Women Inspiring Women — video stories from seven of its women bishops.

Andrew Lightbown Church leadership; just a few thoughts as I approach incumbency

Kelvin Holdsworth The Three Great Festivals of Distress

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Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
9 years ago

To me, leadership occurs when individuals and communities hear the ‘lead’ of God and open to that ‘lead’ and to God’s Spirit. So prayer and listening – and trying to do that collectively in community… opening ourselves to the eternal community of the holy Trinity… seems primary and fundamental. I think ‘leadership’ is built collectively, in community, through prayer and loving kindness, as we try to follow the ‘lead’ of Jesus Christ, by the way of the Cross. That is the baptism we are drawn and led to undertake. Secondly, I believe that God’s Spirit operates, individually and collectively, through… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
9 years ago

(continuing) John was a voice in the wilderness. Moses was a man on the run. Mary was an obscure young woman. Jesus, virtually no-one, until his 30th year. Leadership comes from God, and gets experienced through conscience, prayer, grace, quietness and listening. It may happen almost at any time, and may occur in your own community, not because a ‘leader’ tells you so, but because just sometimes, a community will open to the grace of God, will feel their consciences touched, will discover love and grace and service. And that may occur in different communities in different ways. Uniformity can… Read more »

9 years ago

Kelvin Holdsworth hits a nerve! Do people attend church to have their nerves jangled? It’s an unintended consequence of being in community. Everyone has a sore spot. Especially our Healer, who endured poverty, rejection, ostracism and physical punishment. Maybe meditating on His agonies is better than focussing on ours.

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