Thinking Anglicans

Church of England settles another sex abuse claim

It was reported this week in both the Church Times and The Times that a settlement has been reached in the case of Professor Julie Macfarlane. This case was reported earlier here: Church of England criticised by survivor of sexual abuse.

Both these news articles are behind their respective paywalls. But the Church Times article says that Dr Macfarlane has agreed to accept £40,000 damages, and a further £40,000 to cover her legal costs.

It also says that A key part of the agreement is a “protocol-review meeting” with interested parties “to agree a protocol for the handling of claims for damages made by victims and survivors of abuse against a body within the Church of England”.

The meeting is to take place before 30 April, and “all endeavours” will be made to ensure that the protocol is in place before 30 June.

Update Tuesday
The full text of Church Times article is now available for all to read.

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
9 years ago

” the Church Times article says that Dr Macfarlane has agreed to accept £40,000 damages, and a further £40,000 to cover her legal costs.” – Church Times –

Such a pity that earlier action denied by the Church should end up with this horrendous monetary settlement. It must be obvious that the complainant was angry (and justified) enough to invest £40K in legal redress. However, money doesn’t cover the cost of betrayal. There needs to be abject apology.

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
9 years ago

It is all very sad. This shows that abuse is in all churches and groups, and proportionately the Catholic priesthood is no better or no worse than other denominations. Its called original sin..

James Byron
James Byron
9 years ago

Original sin? The overwhelming majority of people are horrified and sickened by these crimes. Even other criminals are repulsed, and child molesters have to be held in segregated cellblocks to keep them alive. Let’s not tar all with the same brush.

petepi - Peter Gross
petepi - Peter Gross
9 years ago

“Original sin” “Satan” “The serpent” There was a hilariously funny American comedian by the name of Flip Wilson. One of his routines involved the line, “the Devil made me do it”, “the Devil made me buy this dress”. He had people in absolute hysterics. No, Robert Ian Williams, if a clergy person – of any religion — commits sexual abuse, it is that clergy person’s fault. Period. If an organized church structure — of any religion — attempts to paper over such incidents, or repeatedly moves abusing clergy around, or offers assistance and honeyed words to the victims while not… Read more »

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