Thinking Anglicans

Bishop of Lancaster to retire

The Rt Rev Geoff Pearson, the suffragan Bishop of Lancaster in the diocese of Blackburn, has announced that he will retire later this year: The Anglican Bishop of Lancaster announces his retirement.

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Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
8 years ago

Great! Another gig available for someone whose interests include walking in the countryside, playing with his dogs and gardening.

Simon Sarmiento
8 years ago

Only if they decide to replace him.

Neill Wallis
Neill Wallis
8 years ago

“Great! Another gig available for someone whose interests include walking in the countryside, playing with his dogs and gardening.”

Did you read the column? It sounds like his life has been completely taken up with preaching, teaching, youth evangelism and looking after a local church. How many other bishops are so absorbed in everyday Gospel work?

Father David
Father David
8 years ago

Simon, are you suggesting that there might be a long overdue cull of Suffragan bishops? Surely, the current trend is in the opposite direction i.e. to create even more of them – most recently Berwick and I do believe that Leicester is looking to introduce yet another Suffragan Bishoprick!

John Roch
John Roch
8 years ago

Can’t we (on TA) move beyond dismissive comments about the leisure activities of bishops and others being included in press releases?

The formulaic press releases are aimed at the secular papers and their general readership.

Father David
Father David
8 years ago

I like to read of the leisure activities of those soon to be consecrated or soon to retire – it shews that they have a hinterland. Mind, they all seem to enjoy similar leisure interests, not least walking. It would be a most refreshing change to appoint a bishop who enjoys both hang gliding and bungee jumping.

8 years ago

“The formulaic press releases are aimed at the secular papers and their general readership.”

Formulaic press releases or, as Martyn Percy is suggesting, formulaic bishops?

In this case, Bishop Geoff seems genuinely different though. The concern is whether that difference will be retained if he is replaced.

8 years ago

Fr David,

The new Bishop of Berwick doesn’t equate to an extra suffragan bishop, just that hitherto Newcastle had simply an assistant bishop. New badge, rather than more hats.

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
8 years ago

@ Neill Wallis, if you go back and read the press releases describing the last I-don’t-know-how-many new episcopal designees from the last couple of years, you’ll find an awful lot of what I’m (only somewhat tongue-in-cheek) describing.

And anyway, I wasn’t referring to the retiring bishop.

As to John Roch’s statement that such press releases are aimed at “the secular press and their general readership,” I doubt very much if the general readership of the secular press gives a

8 years ago

Do we really need ever more Bishops? +Geoff sounds like a really good minister who was made a Bishop and (nearly) lost to the main “job” of the clergy – ministering to God’s people and leading mission to people in the parishes”

We used to make do with about 5 Diocesans – in a time when they had to travel round their “super-mega-dioceses” by horse!! How about putting 120+ of our best ministers back into the parishes and just having ++Canterbury plus London, Winchester, Lichfield (or Chester), Lincoln and York?

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
8 years ago

“Great! Another gig available for someone whose interests include walking in the countryside, playing with his dogs and gardening.” Daniel Berry seems to have decided that the successor bishop will be male. TEC may have a poor track record of appointing women bishops, but by comparison the Church of England has moved with alacrity. As a member of the Dioceses Commission I will not comment on whether or not an appointment will be made. That process is commenced by the diocesan bishop and his team. Father David has been rightly corrected by Hannah. In fact both the resurrection of the… Read more »

T Pott
T Pott
8 years ago

“Bishop Geoff has played a pivotal role in many Diocesan initiatives as a key member of the Bishop’s leadership team.”

He has done a lot more than that, but the above managerese may reflect what some think is what should be expected of a bishop these days.

Oddly, no reason is given for the retirement.

Flora Alexander
Flora Alexander
8 years ago

The thing that strikes me as unnecessary is the detail of how many grandchildren members of the clergy have.

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
8 years ago

Mr Archer, must you really read so much into what was obviously intended to be a sarcastic swipe at whoever it is who has been choosing bishops in the C of E? Get it? I was being a smart-a&&. No other content intended or even hinted at.

For cryin’ out loud.

8 years ago

“TEC may have a poor track record of appointing women bishops.”

TEC bishops are elected not appointed.

As for “poor track record,” a couple of months ago, I made an effort to determine the number of TEC women bishops and posted the result on Thinking Anglicans. At that time, there had been 25 women consecrated or elected TEC bishops, 12 of which had been consecrated or elected diocesans.

The reader may determine whether or not that constitutes a “poor track record.”

8 years ago

No reason for retirement? He’s 65 years old and has been in active ministry for 43 years.

Graham Williams
Graham Williams
8 years ago

They’ll probably be needing to fill two vacancies in the Diocese of Blackburn within the next year or two, when +Philip is translated to a Diocesan See

Father David
Father David
8 years ago

“Oddly, no reason is given for retirement” Bishop Geoff will be 66 in the summer surely that is reason enough – after 43 years of exemplary Christian ministry we should wish him a long and happy retirement with sincere thanks for all that he has done to promote the Christian Gospel and extend Christ’s Kingdom. I know not if he is to be succeeded and whether or not his successor will be male or female but I do know that Bishop Julian Henderson chose Philip North to be Bishop of Burnley and for that he is to be highly commended.… Read more »

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
8 years ago

“TEC may have a poor track record of appointing women bishops.”

I meant to write ‘has’ a poor track record. 25 women bishops consecrated since and including Bishop Barbara Harris in 1989 seems stunningly poor compared with the CofE’s 10 in two years. KJS is on record as saying how disappointed she was on the subject. TEC does of course elect its bishops, which is probably the key reason why there are so few women. Conservative GC and diocesan electors. It’s why the CofE won’t move to elections any time soon.

Peter S
Peter S
8 years ago

While we’re moving off topic, a more interesting comparison with TEC is Canada. As at April 2017: TEC will have 15 female bishops (7 diocesan, 8 assistant) plus a further 8 “retired” bishops (although TEC bishops don’t really retire). Canada will have 9 female bishops (5 diocesan, 4 assistant) plus a further 2 retired bishops. England will have 10 female bishops (2 diocesan, 8 assistant). A lot has happened in the last year to address the low numbers of women being nominated or elected in TEC, but the Canadian comparison is instructive as they use elections not appointments, and have… Read more »

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