Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – day 2 – Tuesday 14 February

Updated during the day and on Wednesday

Order paper for the day

The following private member’s motion, proposed by Stephen Trott, was defeated.

That this Synod, noting the Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015 and the growing burden and complexity of the legal requirements imposed on members of the clergy who conduct weddings in the Church of England, invite the Archbishops’ Council to bring forward draft legislation to replace ecclesiastical preliminaries to marriage by universal civil preliminaries, such as those which have been in operation in Scotland since 1977, when banns were replaced by a Marriage Schedule issued by the civil registrar.

Voting was by houses, and the motion was lost in all three.

  for   against   abstentions
bishops   10 16 0
clergy 74 87 0
laity 79 81 7

Official press release on this debate: General Synod votes to retain marriage banns

Most of the day was devoted to legislation.

Official summary of the day’s business: General Synod February group of sessions 2017: Tuesday

Archbishop of York General Synod Farewell to Sir Andreas Whittam Smith

Press reports

Zachary Guiliano The Living Church No Ban on Banns
A Sleepy Session

Harriet Sherwood The Guardian ‘We must discriminate’: pre-wedding passport checks cause stress, say clergy

Olivia Rudgard The Telegraph Church keeps medieval marriage banns to attract young worshippers

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8 years ago

Has anyone else, similarly pedantically, noticed that the footer of the Daily Summary refers to the July 2016 group of sessions? I think we should be told …

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