Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 9 August 2017

Francis Young Negotiating the ‘A’ word in historical writing about the Church of England

Tiffer Robinson Psephizo Is Philip North right about the Church and the poor?

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of wealth and poverty; in praise of Philip North

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley If Clergy Ads Told the Full Story

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Fr John E. Harris-White
Fr John E. Harris-White
6 years ago

The Beaker would be very funny, if it were not true. But sadly a true story to be found in so many parishes seeking a ‘house for duty priest’ ‘two days of the week’ A shame on the diocese and parish for such misrepresentation of the truth. Some clergy find it hard to retire, and see these vacancies as a opportunity to carry on their ministry at a less hectic pace. The truth is as Beaker describes. The welfare of retired clergy are the concern of the whole church, and using them as cheap labour is a disgrace. Let the… Read more »

Richard Grand
Richard Grand
6 years ago

Francis young does make some good points, although they are coloured by his pro-Roman Catholic bias. After all, the nomenclature of the RC Church is biased itself, since their appropriation of the word “Catholic” might not be appreciated by the Churches in Communion with the Ecumenical Patriarch

John Bunyan
6 years ago

Francis Young is right regarding the wrong use of “Anglican” (and I greatly dislike the word “Anglicanism” – not something is which I believe). However, ecclesia Anglicana, used in Magna Carta, means “English Church” not “Church of England”. But an older term is ecclesia Angliae, used e.g. in the letters of S.Anselm DOES mean “Church of England”. Ecclesia Anglicana in fact was normally translated as “Church of England” in the later Middle Ages, usually spelt “chirche of Engelond”. It was then in communion with the See of Rome and the rest of the “Western Church” but its gradual separation, finalised… Read more »

Father David
Father David
6 years ago

Unfortunately there are no details as to where to obtain the Parish Profile for the Bloodletting Benefice nor from whom to request an Application Form?

Lavinia Nelder
Lavinia Nelder
6 years ago

I would add to Fr. John that you also need a large turbo or supercharged engine, scant regard for the rules of the road and a willingness to force other road users out of your way. Rural ministry best suits the hyperactive who need little sleep and can round cattle or sheep out of the church yard (or church). In many dioceses it seems to be the middle aged single female non-stipendiary clergy who are deemed suitable for this type of work. Make of that what you will, but the flogging a willing horse style of personnel management will collapse… Read more »

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