Thinking Anglicans

February General Synod – online papers

Update – the second batch of papers has been released today (26 january) and links added below.

The first batch of papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online. The remaining papers will be issued on 26 January and I will add links when these become available.

zip file of all papers

Papers in numerical order with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold.
Synod meets from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 February 2018.


GS 2029D Amending Canon No. 36 (Enactment) [Friday]
GS 2029DD Amending Canon No. 37 (Enactment) [Friday]

GS 2046A Draft Ecumenical Relations Measure (Revision) [Friday]
GS 2046Y Report by the Revision Committee [Friday]

GS 2047A Draft Amending Canon No. 38 (Revision) [Friday]
GS 2047Y Report by the Revision Committee [Friday]

GS 2064A Draft Church of England Miscellaneous Provisions Measure (Revision) [Friday]
GS 2064Y Report by the Revision Committee [Friday]

GS 2077A and GS 2077B Food Wastage [Friday]

GS 2078 Agenda

GS 2079 Guide to the February 2018 group of sessions (Report by the Business Committee) [Thursday]

GS 2080 Discerning in Obedience [Thursday]
[see also GS Misc 1171 below]

GS 2081 Companion Links and the Anglican Communion [Friday]

GS 2082 Appointment of the Chair of the Appointments Committee [Friday]

GS 2083 Church Property Measure (First Consideration) [Friday]
GS 2083x Explanatory Memorandum [Friday]
Table of Origins
Table of Destinations

GS 2084 Pensions Measure (First Consideration) [Friday]
GS 2084x Explanatory Memorandum [Friday]
Table of Origins
Table of Destinations

GS 2085 See of Richmond Petition for change of name to See of Kirkstall [Friday]

GS 2086 Mission and Ministry in Covenant [Friday]

GS 2087 Religious Communities [Saturday]

GS 2088 Valuing People with Down’s syndrome [Saturday]

GS 2089A and GS 2089B Long Term Sustainability of the National Health Service [contingency business]

Other papers

GS Misc 1171 Discerning in Obedience [Thursday]

GS Misc 1172 An Abuse of Faith [Saturday]

GS Misc 1173 The Independent Review [Saturday]

GS Misc 1174 Digital Evangelism [Saturday]

GS Misc 1175 Code of Conduct

GS Misc 1176 Dioceses Commission Annual Report

GS Misc 1177 Report from the Cathedrals Working Group

GS Misc 1178 An update on ‘Welcoming Transgender People

GS Misc 1179 House of Bishops Summary of Decisions

GS Misc 1180 Report on the Archbishops’ Council’s Activities

GS Misc 1181 Recent Appointments – A(18)1

GS Misc 1182 English Anglican Roman Catholic Quinquennial Report 2012 – 2017

GS Misc 1183 Introduction to Annual Report on Ecumenical Relations

GS Misc 1184 Central Stipends Authority Annual Report

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