Bosco Peters Liturgy Lex Photographi, Lex Orandi
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of governance, speaking of leadership
Simon Reader Church Times Welcoming, not screening out
The Synod debate on the Down’s test could send a powerful message
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Fr Bill Kirkpatrick RIP
Fr Kirkpatrick was obviously one of those unassuming saintly men of whom the Church of England should be rightly proud. His Christian witness should be more widely known, as an example for many of us to follow if we had the faith and courage. May he rest in peace.
Andrew Lightbown – @ Theoreo – once again raises an important issue for the Church. In consigning the consideration concerning the appropriate response to a request for special prayers for trans-sexual people to a sub-committee; have the bishops, in fact, shirked their pastoral responsibility towards this minority – in the very same way in which the bishops seem to be reluctant to openly support the radical inclusion of all people with different gender/sexuality identities that are not binary?. The Church talks a lot about justice and radical inclusion, but it really needs to start to show some integrity on these… Read more »
Andrew’s Lightbown’s piece is refreshingly incisive and reflects current realities so well. But I can’t help saying that, until recently, we had an Archbishop who embodied much of what Andrew is proposing, called Rowan Williams. And we crucified him. Which goes to prove what an impossible institution the Church of England is.
Like David, I think Andrew Lightbown has written a good piece. That he writes from a position of professional expertise gives it extra impact. Maybe though, he should have considered whether the House of Bishops actually complied with the Synod motion because I suggest they didn’t. They “decided” but there is no evidence that the “House of Bishops” “considered” as set out in the Blackburn motion. If they did comply, it was with the letter of the motion, not its spirit. In terms of ethics and governance, not complying with the spirit – or letter of the motion should be… Read more »
I believe I’m right in saying that the correct term is actually Down Syndrome, not ‘Down’s Syndrome’.