Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 17 March 2018

Church Times ‘This is God’s best for me’
Kate Wharton tells Madeleine Davies about a ceremony that she did not grow up planning

Church Times How Stephen Hawking did theologians a favour
He had no place for God, and thereby reminded believers of the true purpose of cosmology, says Andrew Davison

Hayley Matthews ViaMedia.News The Stonewalling of Sexual Abuse…

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John Wallace
John Wallace
7 years ago

How I love what Hayley wrote: ‘Perhaps also a wider understanding that Christians – or people of any faith group – are not meant to perfect, but those who know better than most their need of God.” If we all followed that precept, the church would flourish. As the hymn puts it:’and they who fain would love thee best, are conscious most of sin within.’ Let us look to our common humanity, shared with the one who ‘though being in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited…’ As we near the end… Read more »

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
7 years ago

I share Andrew Davison’s perspective: Cosmologists have no more business trafficking (as cosmologists) in god-talk than religious folk have trafficking in god-talk as basis of science.

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