Thinking Anglicans

Who we are

Thinking Anglicans was created and is run by three people: Simon Kershaw, Simon Sarmiento and Peter Owen.

Simon Kershaw is from Warwickshire, read Physics at Wadham College, Oxford, and worked for 40 years in the computer software industry for a variety of companies, retiring in 2023.
He is married with two adult children, and lives near Cambridge. He has contributed to or edited a number of liturgical publications, is a member of the Liturgical Commission of the Church of England, the Lay Chair of the Ely Diocesan Synod, and a lay Canon of Ely Cathedral.

Simon Sarmiento was born in Sheffield and graduated in Industrial Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is now retired from a major British software company, where he served for a decade as personnel director and later as head of internal IT.
Married with four grown-up children, he worked in the USA for a while, and lived in St Albans Hertfordshire from 1971 to 2014 where he worshipped at the Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban. He is part of the team that publishes Anglicans Online and has been a consultant to Church House Publishing. He now lives in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire.

Peter Owen was born in Southend-on-Sea, read Mathematical Physics at Birmingham University and has a DPhil in Astrophysics from Sussex University. He taught mathematics in higher education for thirty years before taking early retirement in 2000.
He lives in the suburbs of Liverpool and is a worshipper at Liverpool Parish Church. He is part of the team that publishes Anglicans Online. Outside the church, he chaired an NHS Research Ethics Committee for seven years and was later a member of the Greater Manchester West Committee for ten years. He was a member of General Synod from 1995 to 2005.


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William de Villiers
William de Villiers
21 years ago

I have just discovered this site. I think it will be of great benefit. We are doing all too little thinking in our Church at present.

Thank you


Jim Rosenthal
Jim Rosenthal
21 years ago

Very helpful addition to the quest for the fulfilling of the Anglican Communion – the truth shall make you free. Jn 8.32

Don Temples
Don Temples
21 years ago

I discovered a link to your site at Anglicans Online. Thank you for taking the time to put this site together. I look forward to reading your thoughts. I am not sure if this is “painful” time for our communion — that word was bandied around the most here in the United States during ECUSA’s recent General Convention — but it is certainly a confrontational time. God help us through the anger and the bile, we his difficult but loved followers that make up his church.

Jay Vos
Jay Vos
21 years ago

Happy to find you through Anglicans Online!

Simon Barrow
21 years ago

Just when things looked grim (with all the news about Anglicanism being focused on negativity) along comes this precious weblog. I shall read you regularly and willingly… You might also be interested in the (very embryonic) “”:

J. Collins Fisher
21 years ago

Greetings from across the Pond. I too initially found my way over here from Anglicans Online (upon which I have faithfully relied for a year now). I am new to the blog world, but I have been most impressed w/ your efforts here. I am curious though: compared to the internet discussion list (with which I am far more familiar), is this blog essentially unmoderated, as an act of faith? What would happen if a poster—or a large number of posters—should disagree w/ the blog’s fundamental premise? Is a blog understood as a public square (like Usenet), or an affinity… Read more ยป

Tony Steve
Tony Steve
21 years ago

After reading your article describing President Bush’s visit it became clear that we in the U.S. suffer from following power blindly.
I am glad I found your web site and look forward to your writings.
May your advent be blessed and peaceful.
Tony Steve

margaret fletcher
margaret fletcher
21 years ago

To read a Marilyn Adams sermon after dealing with literalism of the Albany Diocese… There really is a God!

Susannah Clark
6 years ago

You do wonderful work but, um, you do all have one thing in common ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jemma jones
Jemma jones
Reply to  Susannah Clark
10 days ago

I noticed it too – very obvious, isn’t it? Wonder if any need is felt to address it – I imagine not!

Revd Dr. Ian Williams
Revd Dr. Ian Williams
3 years ago

Thoughtful, refreshing and stimulating discussion.

Charles Razzall
Charles Razzall
3 years ago

Did you know that Bishop Peter Forster former Bishop of Chester who appointed the first Woman Bishop in the C of E is now a Roman Catholic?!

Keith Battarbee
Keith Battarbee
2 years ago

Re the current hoohah at Lambeth 2022 about the sneaky tweaking and embarrassed de-tweaking of the human dignity Call, there’s an important post by Bp David Hamid, Suffragan in the Diocese in Europe, about what actually happened back in 1998. This deserves linking on TA. You’ll find it at:

2 years ago

Very welcome forum

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