Thinking Anglicans

Rosemont reactions

Forward in Faith has now posted two items relating to this:

A statement from FiFNA: Fr David Moyer is Elected as a bishop in the Anglican Church in America (the official copy of what was first published at titusonenine). This includes the following:

The date of Fr. Moyer’s consecration, February 16th, was chosen to coincide with a previously-scheduled international meeting which will bring the bishops who will consecrate him into the Philadelphia area. Some concern has been expressed that it will come just before the meeting in Ireland at which the Primates of the Anglican Communion will respond to the Windsor Report. Fr. Moyer has assured FIF/NA that this timing is simply a matter of coincidence: it is not meant to sent any message to the Primates, and FIF/NA hopes that Fr. Moyer’s election and consecration will have no impact on their deliberations.

While his consecration in the ACA will not affect his constitutional standing within FIF/NA, the Council and Fr. Moyer are considering whether or not he will continue as its President.

A statement from Fr Geoffrey Kirk of FiF UK: FiF UK reacts to Fr Moyer’s Election . This reads:

Forward in Faith UK has learned with interest of the proposed consecration of Fr David Moyer, currently President of Forward in Faith North America, as a bishop in the Traditional Anglican Communion. We trust that Fr Moyer will be able to use his new role in the Anglican Church of America to assist those in the Episcopal Church who have been disenfranchised by the ordination of women as priests and bishops. We regret however that those responsible did not see fit to consult the bishops of Forward in Faith around the world before reaching their decision.

Meanwhile the Philadelphia Enquirer had this report for its readers this morning: Embattled Episcopal rector joins Anglican denomination. This headline reflects the confusion!

Update And the Associated Press via the Centre Daily Times reported it as Defrocked Episcopal minister moves to Anglican church post
which is equally likely to upset all concerned.

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Alastair Barrett
Alastair Barrett
20 years ago

“FIF/NA hopes that Fr. Moyer’s election and consecration will have no impact on their [i.e. the Primates’] deliberations”

I’m absolutely sure they hope that! Otherwise it might be taken as an utter lack of respect on FIF/NA’s part for the structures of the Anglican Communion. Which of course it isn’t. Is it?!

J. C. Fisher
20 years ago

“We regret however that those responsible did not see fit to consult the bishops of Forward in Faith around the world before reaching their decision.”

The *bishops of Forward in Faith*? What does _that_ mean?

Even assuming it just means the (canonical Anglican) bishops *in* Forward in Faith, it still _presumes_ that these bishops, individually or collectively, could have some kind of beyond-mere-respect-of-orders *authority* outside their individual dioceses.

The creeping _Curia_-ity of so-called “orthodox Anglicans” gets *creepier* by the day . . .

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