Thinking Anglicans

more Rosemont reaction

The Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes has issued a press release. It is not yet on their own website, so the full text is below.

It announces the resignation of David Moyer as dean of the FiF Convocation within the Network.

Update 11.45 pm GMT
This release is now available on the Network website:
The Anglican Communion Network Announces Resignation of Moyer as Dean

The Anglican Communion Network Announces Resignation of Moyer as Dean

The Anglican Communion Network (ACN) today announced the resignation of the Rev. Dr. David Moyer as dean of the Forward in Faith Convocation. Father Moyer has served in that capacity since January 2004. Forward in Faith is expected to present their nomination to Bishop Duncan for his successor in the near future.

It was recently announced that Father Moyer will be consecrated a bishop in the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC). The TAC is not a constituent member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, although it has ties through some local bishops.

“While I understand the hostility that Father Moyer and all Anglo-Catholics have faced from much of the Episcopal Church, I regret that his decision raises difficulties in his relationship to the broader Anglican Communion,” said ACN Moderator Bishop Robert Duncan. “Forward in Faith and the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church are a highly-valued and important part of the Anglican Communion Network, and Father Moyer’s departure from his leadership position is a loss. We wish Father Moyer the best in his new ministry.”

In June 2004, six groups within the Anglican tradition formed an alliance under Bishop Duncan’s chairmanship as moderator of the Anglican Communion Network. The Traditional Anglican Communion was not a part of that alliance. In a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leaders the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), the Anglican Mission in America (AMIA), Forward in Faith North American (FiFNA), the Anglican Province in America (APA) and the American Anglican Council (AAC) pledged “to make common cause for the gospel of Jesus Christ and common cause for a united, missionary and orthodox Anglicanism in North America.” Common Cause signatories represent some 200,000 Christians in the Anglican tradition.

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Davis d'Ambly
Davis d'Ambly
20 years ago

Dear Mr Sarmiento,

Re David Moyer’s up-coming consecration. Did anyone see the article on this past Sunday’s Philadelphis Inquirer? “A champion for the disaffected”:

On the Faith Page there was a large article about Fr Paul Hewett formerly of Rosemont who was just consecrated by (I think) the ACA in a parish not 10 miles from Rosemont. Seems we in the Diocese of PA will soon be knee deep in bishops!
Davis d’Ambly

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