Thinking Anglicans

Links to statements about Windsor Report

The Canadian Anglican Journal recently reported that

So far, 16 provinces have issued statements on the Windsor Report, either through their primates, house of bishops, or synods

So I went to look for these 16 statements. Here is what I have found so far. I would welcome notification of links to statements I have overlooked. Most of these are in fact statements by individual primates. Not all of them are linked to the official Windsor Report website.

England and see also this

Ireland – although there are many statements made by Robin Eames, I cannot locate any statement made by him in his capacity as Irish primate or any other official CofI press release.


United States but see also here

Nigeria and see item below

Central Africa and see item below

South Africa


Tanzania – see item below (no separate statement located)

Southern Cone

West Indies (scroll down)

Australia (Australian original in pdf)

New Zealand

Uganda – see item below (no separate statement located but see also this)



The AJ continued:

Six [additional to the 16] – Congo, Indian Ocean, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, and West Africa – joined Nigeria, Central Africa and Uganda [the latter three being listed above] in releasing a statement criticizing the report, at the recent African Anglican Bishops Conference.

Here it is: A Statement from the Primates gathered at the first African Anglican Bishop’s Conference

This additional statement by Emmanual Kolini of Rwanda seems to deserve linking here too

Sixteen have reserved comment: Bangladesh, Brazil, Central America, Hong Kong, Japan, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Korea, Melanesia, Mexico, Myanmar, North India, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Southeast Asia, and South India.

I have not checked these at all.

Update Some of the latter sixteen have said this:
A Statement of East Asian Bishops on the Crisis and Future of the Anglican Communion

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20 years ago

Regarding ‘official’ statements from the Church of Ireland, the Church’s Standing Committee has appointed a small working group to prepare a draft response for consideration by the Standing Committee at its meeting on Tuesday, 25 January 2005.
See “”:

Responses have been made by the Bishops of Down and Derry, as well as the Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship. Details are at

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