Thinking Anglicans

St Albans Pilgrimage 2005

Saturday 25 June 2005

10.30 am Procession from the Roman Basilica (site of Alban’s trial) to the Abbey, and Enactment of the Martyrdom

11.30 am Solemn Concelebrated Eucharist of Saint Alban
President: The Bishop of St Albans, Christopher Herbert
Preacher: The Dean, Jeffrey John

4 pm Solemn Evensong and Procession to the Shrine
Preacher: The Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries

  • Car and coach parking available at the Verulamium Museum where the procession begins.
  • All are encouraged to process from the Basilica, but for those who can’t make the 10.30 start, it will also be possible to join the procession at the cathedral
  • All priests are invited to robe (alb & red stole), process and concelebrate.
  • To register and receive further details, write to the Dean’s secretary, St Alban’s Cathedral, AL1 1BY; or phone 01727 890202; or e mail
  • There is no charge.

For more details of the day,including a map, see the cathedral website.

This event will also be attended by the Friends of St Albans Abbey, by the Society of Catholic Priests and is included in the new Diary section of

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19 years ago

Anyone know whether the establishment of the new “Society of Catholic Priests” mean that “Affirming Catholicism” (with it’s explicitly liberal stance on homosexuality) is on it’s way out ?

ACs seem to have unrepresentatively dominated the upper echelons of western Anglicanism for some time. So it’d be nice to think that, if AC is on the way out, they might let other groups within Anglicanism be represented more proportionately above the level of parish priest !

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
19 years ago

I dont know whether that is true or untrue – any stats?

Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

SCP was established in 1994, so the premise that it is “new” is false.

Alan Harrison
Alan Harrison
19 years ago

Dave asked:
“Anyone know whether the establishment of the new “Society of Catholic Priests” mean that “Affirming Catholicism” (with it’s explicitly liberal stance on homosexuality) is on it’s way out ? “

Sorry, but I don’t understand this question. I’m not aware of any evidence for a difference of view between the SCP and “Affirming Catholicism”, both of which appear to this unsympathetic observer to combine a taste for pretty clothes and nice smells with sympathy for liberal protestant innovations such as the purported ordination of women.

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

That-away to the Tiber, Alan. Vaya con Dios!

19 years ago

Doohh!! you’re right Simon! “The Society of Catholic Priests was founded [1994] by a group of priests from the Southwark Diocese who felt that they could no longer remain within the existing fraternal organisations for priests.”

I love their first statement for membership, demanding change by making what sounds like a description of fact: “we belong to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church ordaining men and women to serve as deacons, priests and bishops in the Church of God”.

19 years ago

Regarding “Affirming Catholics” unrepresentatively dominating the Anglican heirachy, unfortunately I don’t have may statistics. The AF site doesn’t state membership anymore but I understand there were about 25 UK diocesan bishops last anyone heard. Given that four of the CofE’S five mega-churches (over 1000 is a lot in the UK) are evangelical, and that the General Synod evangelical group is just over 50%, there is a sudden dearth of evagelicals in the House of Bishops (I can think of about 10 but I wouldn’t claim to be an authority). Maybe Simon will share some better numbers ? When you get… Read more »

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