Thinking Anglicans

General Synod Agenda

The Church of England held its press briefing for next month’s General Synod yesterday. So far we have only found one item published as a result of this. Despite its title this does cover other Synod topics, such as women bishops.

Jenny Booth and agencies Couples to gain wider choice of wedding churches

The proposals on marriage law were picked up by the Telegraph last week.
Jonathan Petre Church wedding rules may be eased

The CofE’s own news item on the Synod agenda is Key debates on women bishops, Faithful Cities report, further education, and major legislative proposals on agenda for General Synod.

Our links to the agenda and papers are here.

Tuesday evening update

A few more articles that mention the Synod agenda
The Mercury (South Africa) First female bishop ‘will not influence England’
Christian Post (USA) Episcopal Election of New Leader Highlights Anglican Rifts
Guardian Episcopal Choice Highlights Anglican Rifts

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thomas bushnell, bsg
18 years ago

what plans have been made to invite high-ranking american bishops to come to the synod to give speeches and whatnot?

18 years ago

Are the CofE’s church wedding rules finally catching up with how society works nowadays ?! … ie we don’t necessarily live, work and marry (or worship) within the same village anymore!

Donald Lowery
Donald Lowery
18 years ago

As an American Episcopalian, it still astounds me that the Church of England does not yet have women bishops. If a woman can be a priest, she can be a bishop. End of debate. I guess after the dear old C of E finishes deciding whether woman can be bishops, you will move on to the debate as to whether women have souls, followed by the one on how many angels can dance on a micro-chip. I hope the Church of England will take minor steps toward joining the 21st century where women are valued as full partners in Christian… Read more »

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