Thinking Anglicans

Sentamu's presidential address

The presidential address given to the General Synod yesterday by the Archbishop of York has been published by Episcopal News Service.

Read the full text here.

Sunday afternoon UPDATE The text is now also online at the Church of England website.

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18 years ago

To build bridges and actually use them, we shall have to stop getting all tangled up in the snares that current conservative thinking sets for us. We shall have to be able to conclude that God is so great and so trustworthy that nothing a progressive believer has so far done, prayed, or believed entirely prevents building a bridge and using it. We shall have to be able to conclude that being orthodox means having sufficient good will to be able to agree to disagree, because we still share a common hope of God in Jesus of Nazareth, and because… Read more »

Marshall Scott
18 years ago

You, Dan et al, I’m not as disturbed by this as I thought I might be. In fact, I was right on line with this, until I got to the description of General Convention. Questioning our process seemed to me second-guessing of a high order, especially from someone who was witness to proceedings. On the other hand, I did recognize one aspect in which, I had to recognize, he was right. Much of the debate, and much of the effort to respond to the Windsor Report was manipulated by folks who wanted all or nothing at all – either the… Read more »

18 years ago

‘Gracious magnanimity’, as expounded by His Grace, would require those who hold to his form of orthodoxy in relation to ‘Issues in Human Sexuality’ to practice an openess of heart and mind. But His Grace seems only able to offer a critique of the General Convention of ECUSA and is pathetically silent about the Synod of the Church of Nigeria. Could it be that his own ‘gracious magnanimity’ has already acquired a narrowness all of its own? I think he should realise that those who build bridges do so from both sides of the divide. If the General Convention has… Read more »

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