Thinking Anglicans

Sunday press reports

Sunday Times Christopher Morgan Church rebels plan £1bn property grab

TRADITIONALISTS in the Church of England are preparing for a possible breakaway over women bishops by taking legal advice on whether they could claim property worth more than £1 billion…

Sunday Telegraph Jonathan Wynne-Jones Women can be bishops, Synod rules

Observer Jamie Doward Synod backs plans for women bishops and Peter Stanford Women on a mission to storm the gates of Rome

Independent Women bishops could be here by 2012, says C of E

Update BBC Sunday radio programme has a report by Trevor Barnes from General Synod. Go here and then go 5 minutes forward. Various synod personalities are interviewed about the state of the Anglican Communion, as well as women bishops in England (about 7 minutes).

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J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

“TRADITIONALISTS in the Church of England are preparing for a possible breakaway over women bishops by taking legal advice on whether they could claim property worth more than £1 billion.”

Anyone wanna guess whether these (so-called) “traditionalists” in the CofE are comparing notes w/ American (so-called) “traditionalists” in TEC? (Following a translated-into-Brit-legalese copy of the “Chapman Memo” for example?)

18 years ago

What option do we have now with the rest of the church voting itself to apostasy ? I can only hope that Synod actually think of younger more traditionally minded people such as myself when they remember their duty to provide some form of structure for us.

18 years ago

Surely it is not that the traditionalists are wanting to grap property. They are merely trying to keep the poperty that is already theirs and that apostates are determined to wrench from them

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

Edward, I’m reminded of the old lawyer’s advice:

“When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.
When the law is on your side, argue the law.
When neither are on your side, POUND THE TABLE.”

In an ecclesial situation, is the equivalent of *pounding the table* to charge “apostasy”???

18 years ago

In an ecclesial situation, is the equivalent of *pounding the table* to charge “apostasy”???

Someone (?GL Prestige?) once summed up Cyril and Nestorius’ little set-to in C5 as ‘Anathema and counter-anathema.’ Plus ça change….

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