Thinking Anglicans

further news reports

Jonathan Petre in the Telegraph has New Church effort on women bishops

Ruth Gledhill in The Times has Synod vote on women clergy is setback for traditionalists

Matthew Davies for Episcopal News Service has a detailed report of the debate in Church of England begins long process toward ordaining women bishops

Michael Brown reporting for the Yorkshire Post concentrates on one single speech in Leading Yorkshire cleric attacks bishops over women’s ordination.

Also, though unrelated to synod, yesterday the Guardian had Bishops warn PM over Trident and the BBC had Bishops say Trident is ‘anti-God’.

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Andrew Holden
Andrew Holden
18 years ago

Our dear Lord Bishops bring to mind Cromwell’s wise words:

“Put your trust in God; but mind to keep your powder dry.”

Certainly nuclear weapons are terrible and evil things – but Brown and Blair need to dissuade others potentially much more evil than ourselves that they cannot be used against us. My heart is with the Bishops but my head pursades me that the practical course is still vigilance and deterrence.

18 years ago

“Brown and Blair need to dissuade others potentially much more evil than ourselves that they cannot be used against us.”

Do I pick up a reference to George Bush…?

Andrew Holden
Andrew Holden
18 years ago

“Do I pick up a reference to George Bush…?”

Not really – but certainly I think it would be hypocritical to abandon our own nuclear weapons merely to shelter under US protection. By all means let’s eliminate all nuclear weapons – not just give up ours without guarantees that others will do the same.

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