Thinking Anglicans

SORs: what the bishops did etc.

There were three bishops present and voting last night, and one retired English bishop.

Lord Harries voted against the amendment.

The Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Winchester, and the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham each spoke for, and voted for the amendment.

Lord Eames also voted for the amendment.

You can read their speeches here (in chronological order, scroll down as necessary):

Southwell & Nottingham



Ekklesia has commented on this aspect of the debate: Bishops reject calls to vote on Sexual Orientation Regulations and also Bishop’s vote over Sexual Orientation Regulations.

The Press Association issued Kelly welcomes gay equality law

Zefrog has Sexual Orientation Regulations – Lords Vote and What the Christian Right Doesn’t Want You to See Anymore.

The Public Whip analyses the Lords voting in detail here.

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17 years ago

Archbishop John Sentamu, supporting the amendment, expresses the fear that:
“The time is fast approaching when Christianity will be almost as openly disavowed in the language as in fact it is already supposed to have disappeared from the conduct of men … and to believe will be deemed the indication of a feeble mind and a contracted understanding.”

Well, Eboracum old pal, I share your apprehension. And you’re doing exactly the right thing to bring that very situation about.

17 years ago

In the interests of (Anglican) equality I would point out that another retired bishop, Lord Eames, voted for the amendment, going one step further than he did the last time this matter came before the Lords.

Simon Sarmiento
17 years ago

thanks for pointing that out. I will amend the article.

Simon Icke
Simon Icke
17 years ago

‘The Message is onward onward Christian soldiers. A lot of good has come out of this fight against the SORs. Many Christians ‘smelt the coffee’ for the first time because of this issue and realised what this aggressive liberal New Labour Government is really about. So Christian please do not be too downhearted. Many believers have put up a sustained noble and dignified fight on this issue, sadly they have been undermined by some liberal Christians and even some non-liberal Christians who were perhaps taken in by the Government’s false reassurances and smooth sounding soundbites. Fool them! Eventually I hope… Read more »

Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
17 years ago

Simon Icke pleaded
“Christian please do not be too downhearted.”

You mean there’s something to get downhearted about? That some silly idiot running a hotel can’t run two sets of values?

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
17 years ago

Of course a lot of good has come out of it — the SORs have been voted in handsomely. I am content. On balance I think it better that the anti-gay stance (wonderful word that — stance), of certain bishops and others has been widely advertised. We know what we are up against in working for an equal society. Their speeches would repay listening to or reading — even though an unpleasant task. The bishops are lagging behind. Why don’t they get some of their gay colleagues to give them a seminar or workshop on it all. They could all… Read more »

17 years ago

Simon Icke, you won’t have me on your side. I’m in favour of it, very much so, a very good measure to insist that people cannot be discriminated against on the basis of who they are. We live in a society, and there is no liberty in being someone who is discriminated against by people because of their unrelated views to the service they are providing.

17 years ago

…also of interest, the Howe’s voted differently.

Lord for the amendment, Lady against!

mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
17 years ago

Thinks: what a pity the SORs were not described as ‘The Anti-Hypocrisy Regulations’. Might have got a few folk thinking above the navel.

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

;=) ?

Don’t think so. Some people won’t be saved.

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