Thinking Anglicans

Friday news reports as synod gathers

Pat Ashworth in the Church Times reports: Synod members to urge caution over Anglican Covenant.

and also PM to withdraw from choosing diocesan bishops.

Jonathan Petre in the Daily Telegraph has Church of England coalition to tackle liberals.

Earlier in the week, he had Biggest change since Henry VIII and Pope.

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17 years ago

It is interesting that Mr Petre puts inverted commas around the word Communion when refering to the Anglican Communion. I suspect it reveals where his sympathies are and permits one to read ALL his contributions (past, present, and future) with a certain scepticism.

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

I think implosion is probably the way forward.

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

I note with concern how Iran is has emphasis in some of this thread’s links. Are some preparing to the rubber stamp for another military incursion? Iran is developing nuclear weapon capacity and that is scary. What is more scary is that nations need to develop nuclear capacity as that appears to be the only effective deterrent from nations that choose to aspire to be the next Roman or Babylonian empire. Who are ruthless and a law unto themselves and think their own honor comes before true justice. e.g. Habbakuk 1:5-11 Australian politics is in uproar as a government member… Read more »

17 years ago

On the Communion, I am thinking about the Commonwealth. It seems to be its “bonds of affection” and those who work within it might be able to provide some helpful input into our current difficulties. Much of our problem is about order, government and polity, obviously not all, but maybe some expertise from this quarter, analysis of its success and the why of that success might help us in our thinking. The current draft hands a blank check to the primates, 38 individuals with virtually no accountability and no lay participation. The Church of England is being asked to fast… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

Interesting too the use of “plotting” and “scheme” to describe a group towards whom he seems favourably disposed. Am I wrong in assuming he is a conservative, or does he really not see how these vey apt descriptors suggest motives and methods that are anything but Christian? Also: “frustrating the efforts of liberals to promote their agenda.” “conservatives believe that this “seismic shift” will boost their power significantly.” are interesting. This frames the debate solidly as a power play, which it is, and puts paid to the lie that it is about some kind of desire for morality and holy… Read more »

17 years ago

A look at the Covenant, with a bit of history, happened on this BBC Radio 4 PM report (39 mins in): Judith Maltby speaks historically. The C of E has the right to decide its own affairs – a key Reformation principle. Christ Church Oxford – Marylyn Adams says Covenant to stop Churches determining their own affairs, stop them with specific blessings etc. Wycliffe Hall is hosting a conference on Anglicanism’s future but won’t let journalists in. The Covenant is crucial, it says, to stop the Church of England fragmenting. Graham Kings says a Covenant is needed just as… Read more »

Matthew Duckett
Matthew Duckett
17 years ago

Mr Petre also names no-one involved in this supposed new “coalition” (another use for inverted commas). More spin and scare tactics I think.

17 years ago

I don’t think there is much chance that the Episcopal Church will agree to the terms of the present draft Covenant. Given the recent spate of irregular consecrations in North America, however, there is now a ready-made replacement province waiting in the wings if we are sidelined from the Anglican Communion. The Church of England can do exactly that on Sunday by giving up any further attempt to negotiate the terms of a Covenant and accepting Archbishop Gomez’s draft “as is.” So I think it is up to all of you now. Which Church would you really prefer?

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

An editorial in the Australian today comments: “…Our enemies do not believe in democracy or tolerance or liberalism. They despise our values.” see,20867,22030505-7583,00.html The difficulty is they are not talking about conservative Christian power brokers. They are talking about highly educated souls who have embraced terrorism as an ideology and moved from one community to another, seeking out other lovers of violence and working to form cells with criminals who are prepared to go all the way… After the World Trade Centre, many people commented about how parts of Islam had become dominated by aggressive interpretations centuries ago, and… Read more »

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