Thinking Anglicans

more on discrimination law

I reported earlier about the Church of England’s response to the government review of current legislation.

Today, the Church Times has both a news article and a leader column about the response.

News: C of E queries Government’s new ideas for equality laws (this also includes a report of the Northern Ireland judicial review of SORs).

Leader: My right’s better.

On the Northern Ireland judicial review, Jonathan Petre had this in the Daily Telegraph: Judge squashes part of UK gay rights laws.

On the government consultation, the Roman Catholic bishops of England and Wales have also filed a response. It can be found here.

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Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
17 years ago

Great advertisement for the Church of England in advance of Back to Church Sunday: “Government compassionate towards LGBT minorities; Church heartless”.

No wonder decent people like Stephen Bates want out.

17 years ago

QUOTE: Sticking with sexuality, since this is the subject on which the Archbishops’ Council chooses to dwell, there is worryingly little attention given to the effect of its continued discrimination on those on the receiving end. For some reason, there is a heartlessness at the core of the sexuality debate in the Church. And RE: The CathBishEngWales response PDF: I love, really love, that the core benchmark of whether or not such believers have equality and freedom of conscience in a fair or level civil playing field is their cherished right/privilege to say very bad things about, say, queer folks… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

drdanfee wrote “…they are jealous not to moderate or equalize any right/privilege they have to occupy a higher place in the playing field…” Absolutely. Imagine how much better the world would be if souls didn’t deprive others of education so they could “outsmart” them. Or if the righteous were not hemmed in by the law whilst the wicked move with impunity? Or if souls were treated justly and consistently under the law and not able to bribe the legal process nor destroy evidence? Where societies were able to resolve their conflicts, and not have puppeteer tyrants installed or key leaders… Read more »

17 years ago

The church as the voice of reaction once again.

So out of touch, so very yesterday.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

Mike, just because something is old doesn’t make it bad, just because something is traditional doesn’t make it useless, and just because something is modern doesn’t make it beneficial or even correct. Witchhunts didn’t just happen hundreds of years ago, they happen now too. This assumption of yours that society is progressing ever forward to better and better things is as much a fiction as the persecution myth of the consevos, perhaps even moreso. If I am unwilling to grant all authority to Scriptures that have been studied, debated, meditated on, and in every other way engaged with for millennia,… Read more »

17 years ago

That’s your view, Ford. It sums up the problem with the traditional Christian myth, which is why wholesale revision is needed.

Scripture is based on premodern myth and needs to be observed in that light.

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