Thinking Anglicans

Drenched in Grace: more links

The full text of the concluding keynote address by Mark Russell, Chief Executive of the Church Army, can now be found at Go into the world.

And the welcoming remarks by Giles Goddard at the conference opening can be found here.

For the other talks, see entries below.

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Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

Giles wrote “…there are, clearly, those who would have us all out of the church – all of us, because we want the church to be inclusive. The first rule of any engagement is not to allow your opponent to choose the battle ground.” The Inclusive Church and others could do with some reassurance. God’s ways are higher than any humans and strategies were in play. Christianity had forsaken the covenant of its youth –they failed to recognise that Jesus had made a peace offering to the Daughter of Zion as he rode into Jerusalem on the back of a… Read more »

Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

Mark Russell commented “I have never believed as a Christian I have the right to justify the exclusion of anyone from church, because I am worried someone might find a reason to justify excluding me!” Well, being female put me on the outside right from the start. Then turning out to be a prophet really put me on the out (remember Sydney Anglicans have acknowledged me as a prophet, a Baal prophetess, but a prophet nonetheless!) I just wish just one of them had asked early on “what if she is for real?”, they would have saved themselves a lot… Read more »

17 years ago

Thanks so much for the IC links, especially to the published talks and MP3 podcasts. Now my prayer for the Next Lambeth is that that meeting might run on parallel tracks with the IC conference. If Canterbury cannot still show us how to gather at Lambeth, how to call different Anglican believers together without weaponizing doctrines and without adopting unintelligent readngs of our scriptures and without having to define some emnity towards targets as a presuppositional article of Anglican belief systems, what means that difficult sign of our times?

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