Thinking Anglicans

opinion columns

In the Guardian’s Face to Faith column, Alex Klaushofer says that Lebanon’s pluralism could teach the west much about religious tolerance.

In The Times Roderick Strange writes that Water can bring us death or a new life in Christ.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Rock of Ages and the rebel pilgrims.

Stephen Brown writes at Ekklesia that Church and media need new understanding, says Lutheran bishop (German readers can learn more here).

Paul Vallely writes in the Church Times that Religion can be a solution in Kosovo.

Also, Giles Fraser explains Why I worry about moral foreign policies.

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Cheryl Va.
17 years ago

Christpher Howse referred to the miracle of Moses bringing forth the water from the rock. The bringing forth of water by Moses and his family is complex and not always complimentary. Moses first brought forth the water by striking the rock (Exodus 17:6). It was then his sister’s responsibility to carry the rock of water and set it at each camp site, which she did for the remainder of her lifetime. When Miriam died, the rock no longer brought forth water, and the Israelites quarreled with Moses (Numbers 20-5). The glory of the Lord appeared to Moses and Aaron in… Read more »

17 years ago

The Lebanon piece reminds me that I have a very good little book called Christianity in the Arab World by El Hassan Bin Talal, the Crown Prince of Jordan of the historic sweep of the various branches of Christianity. A nice family tree too. You may not see the beginnings of the following properly but paste into a fixed width font text editor and you will. NAZARENE TEACHING PAULINE TEACHING | | | | Ante-Nicene confessions Jewish Christian | sects (Ebionites | etc.) NICENE ORTHODOXY (325) | Post-Nicene confessions | | _________________________|_____________________ | | | NESTORIAN CHALCEDONIAN MONOPHYSITE DOCTRINE DOCTRINE… Read more »

17 years ago

Oh dear, never mind.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
17 years ago

That’s not what you had in mind then?

Cheryl Va.
17 years ago


How about scanning the document and putting a pdf on your website, then linking that website to here?

Clive Sweeting
Clive Sweeting
17 years ago

Nestorian and Monophysite are now longer considered appropriate terms in oecumenical dialogue, although both were regularly used.The Assyrian Church even used Nestorian in its title during a period in the first half of the 20th century. Armenian historians often describe their church and its views as ‘bnagan’-monophysite, which would not be correct for an Armenian theologian. Chalcedon was rejected more or less vigourously by these churches, which are now regularly described as pre- (rather than anti-)Chalcedonian. The council of Ephesus (431) with its Cyrillian influence is the last of the three oecumenical councils accepted by the Armenian, Syrian Orthodox (no,… Read more »

Cheryl Va.
17 years ago

Big Brother speaks So also some no longer have ecumenical dialogue about the covenants of peace, to eunuchs or with the Daughter of Zion. Don’t have to acknowledge the covenants were ever made or offered or to whom. If we don’t talk about them that means they don’t exist. Well, they mightn’t in certain ecumenical circles, but then that has been the fun of the last few years. Demonstrating how much of God’s desires and covenants had been chucked out or perverted by opportunistic priests and sychophantic followers who think singing songs of praise to Jesus and uttering flattering phrases… Read more »

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