Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth invitation for Jerry Lamb

Updated Tuesday

The Provisional Bishop of San Joaquin has received an invitation to the Lambeth Conference.

According to Dan Martins writing about this today:

…In the meantime, “mum” seems to be the word from Fresno on Bishop Schofield’s travel plans post-GAFCON…

Tuesday update

The Living Church reports that Bishops Schofield, Lamb Both Attending Lambeth.

Meanwhile, Episcopal News Service reports in Episcopal Church, San Joaquin diocese amend property dispute that:

The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin on June 2 amended their complaint in a lawsuit seeking recovery of diocesan real estate and financial assets, adding Merrill Lynch and the “Anglican Diocese Holding Corporation” as defendants.

“The main reason for the amendment is that we have obtained information that John-David Schofield has actually been transferring both real property and investment accounts (the latter held by Merrill Lynch) to non-Episcopal entities, including specifically a new corporation known as the Anglican Diocese Holding Company,” said Heather Anderson, an attorney with the Goodwin Procter law firm based in Washington, D.C.

The San Joaquin diocese, along with TEC, sued Schofield and several Episcopal legal entities that he asserts the right to control on April 24 “to establish who is the true incumbent of Corporation Sole, which owns most of the real estate of the diocese and accounts such as the investment fund and trust fund” containing more than $4 million in cash, diocesan chancellor Michael Glass told a gathering in San Joaquin on May 31.

“We are just trying to set aside those transactions,” Glass told the “Day of Discernment” conference of about 80 people at Holy Family Church in Fresno on May 31. “We are not going after money or punitive damages, which we are entitled to. We simply want to undo the transactions and have the court declare that John-David Schofield has no more right or authority to purport to act on behalf of the diocese or Corp Sole and to stop doing so.”

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John Henry
John Henry
16 years ago

Excellent news indeed that the legitimate Bishop of San Joaquin has been invited to the Lambeth Conference. Obviously, Canterbury recognizes only one Anglican province in the U.S.A.–TEC, Abp. Venables misrepresentations notwithstanding.

Chris Baker
Chris Baker
16 years ago

John, I fear that you misunderstand –
Archbishop Rowan finally has accepted the maxim that, however close we keep our friends, we must keep our enemies closer…. 😉

Onward and … one way or another.

16 years ago

If it is true, then it would suggest that Canterbury doesn’t support those who insist that Bishop Schofield has not been deposed due to a lack of bishops at the spring TEC HoB meeting.

Has Canterbury publicly expressed an opinion on the situation with Bishops Cox and Schofield before this?


Dirk Reinken
Dirk Reinken
16 years ago

Bishop Cox would not be on Canterbury’s radar for Lambeth since he doesn’t have jurisdiction in any province.

The Anglican Communion website lists Bishop Lamb as the provisional bishop of San Joaquin, USA.

The AC website does not list a diocese of San Joaquin in the Souther Cone Province.

16 years ago

Today, the Living Church claims that both Lamb and Schofield are invited to Lambeth. Go here:

for the full story.

John Henry
John Henry
16 years ago

Certain websites maintain that ++Rowan Cantuar has not withdrawn Bishop Schofield’s invitation to Lambeth. There may be two Bishops of San Joaquin recognized as such by His Grace, which seems to make a mockery of His Grace’s earlier stance going back to ++George Carey’s, which didn’t recognize the legitimacy of AMiA’s bishops on US soil.

John B. Chilton
16 years ago

The word from Schofield’s spokesman is that his invitation has not been retracted,

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
16 years ago

“The word from Schofield’s spokesman is that his invitation has not been retracted.”

Isn’t that special?

Meanwhile, the canonically legal and legitimately elected, consented to, and consecrated bishop of New Hampshire is not invited. Ptui.

16 years ago

The Scofield story is very clear that he accepted his invitation BEFORE he disqualified himself by the act of schism.

If his invitation has not been withdrawn (which may or may not be true), it would be primae facie evidence that Rowan Williams is incompetent.

Frankly, throughout the process, it has become evident that Rowan Williams couldn’t organize a bad smell out of a skunk’s backside.

16 years ago

“John-David Schofield has actually been transferring both real property and investment accounts (the latter held by Merrill Lynch) to non-Episcopal entities, including specifically a new corporation known as the Anglican Diocese Holding Company”

Unambiguous THEFT (grand larceny?). Is “Thou Shalt Not Steal” no longer in the Southern Cone version of The Ten Commandments?

Lord have mercy!

16 years ago

If the ABC doesn’t want to appear chronically inconsistent to the entire world, perhaps this would be the right time simply to do what he should have done in the first place: Invite every bishop in good standing in each of the provinces of the Communion, yes, even those claiming jurisdiction where they shouldn’t and those whose very existence is anathema to some. The idea that one person – or his (someday perhaps, her) support staff – can decide symbolically who is Anglican enough to attend the tea party is outdated at best. There’s nothing wrong with the symbolic role… Read more »

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