Thinking Anglicans

This Saturday's opinion columns

To win influence, the Church must first win arguments, writes Stephen Plant in The Times.

Wake up to how people really see the C of E, said Mark Hope-Urwin in last week’s Church Times.

Finding a crucifix on a rubbish heap was a timely reminder of God’s enduring love, says Andrew Clitherow in the Guardian.

Earlier in the week, Giles Fraser wrote in the Guardian: Religion thrives in Africa and the Middle East. So is the argument that clever people don’t believe in God racist? See Intelligent, divine.

His Church Times column this week is titled When mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Riazat Butt wrote at Comment is free about a conference in Saudi Arabia, see Between a rock and jihad place?

Christopher Howse wrote about Wittgenstein in Jeeves and the idea of human sacrifice.

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Cheryl Va.
16 years ago

Amen to many of the articles, particularly Stephen Plant’s. Mark Hope-Urwin was poignantly relevant as I just made overtures to a local church to see if they would accept me as I am and protect me from aggressive behaviour from outsiders. No need to worry about the outsiders. Their chief prophet had enough agression all on their own, and no one gave one word of apology of conduct for their negligence or sophistry. Their last letter ended with “I am happy to work with you to find this ‘legitimate place in reality’ at/with (this church), but we will have to… Read more »

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