Thinking Anglicans

Scottish plans for Lambeth

The Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow has announced local plans to mark the Lambeth Conference.

Read An Announcement.

The plans include having the Primate of Canada as guest preacher on the morning of Sunday 13 July. And another is:

… Finally, it seems to me to be desirable to have someone at the end of the conference to come and preach to us. But who would the best person to have be? After all, all the bishops of Communion will be busy with Rowan Williams in Canterbury at the Conference. Well, all bar one. I’m delighted to announce that the Rt Rev Gene Robinson, the Bishop of New Hampshire has agreed to come and celebrate the Eucharist and to preach the gospel on 3 August 2008 at 1030 here in St Mary’s.

The Bishop of New Hampshire will also preach at St. Mary’s, Putney in London on Sunday July 13 at 6 p.m.

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Tobias Haller
Tobias Haller
16 years ago

This is not the first time a cleric not able to do what was needed in England went to Scotland. Though the reasons were quite different, I find myself unable to suppress the thought that somewhere in the celestial choir Samuel Seabury is having a private smile. The episcopate and all that…

16 years ago

Very good. And he is preaching at Putney, which he wasn’t supposed to do, but then no one who had the right to do so did withhold permission.

Might be a different world when Gene Robinson goes to Glasgow.

16 years ago

How blessed are—and will be—the good people of St. Mary’s, Glasgow! 🙂

16 years ago

Hmm, seems I recall that TEC and the Anglicans in Scotland have long had a positive, respectful relationship as inter-related provinces of a global communion. Looking forward to continuing to be friends and friendly Jesus Freaks even if/when we happen to disagree about something.

16 years ago

Terrific! And very funny, too.

Things are really looking up these days!

L Roberts
L Roberts
16 years ago

Good for Scotland and for Glasgow ! Living up to its celtic name !

How lucky that Bp Robinson happened to be available !

Of course, TEC recieved its episcopate via Scotland so this is very appropriate…

and very funny ! ….. One of those ‘Magnificat moments’! It is so good to see the arrogance of the Church of England set aside by the generosity of Scotland ! Perhaps, Gene will be invited to Bangor too ! Croeso cynnes !

and Belfast or Dublin ….

Francisco de Assis da Silva
16 years ago

My prayers and best wishes for people at St.Mary’s Glasgow. They are honoring the karisma of Our Lady!

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
16 years ago

Scotland the Brave!

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

Civil dis-Obedience,

Godly Obedience!

Columba Gilliss
Columba Gilliss
16 years ago

L. Roberts or others who know more than this American —
What is the Celtic name of Glasgow?
Columba Gilliss

L Roberts
L Roberts
16 years ago

‘Glasgow’ is the celtic name, Columba. Or to be more precise and a bit technical Bythonic (Brythoneg). This form which was a precursor to Welsh was spoken throughout what came to be Britain and up into the lowlands of Scotland. So you get Brythonic names throughout these islands–like ‘Cumbria’ (same root as ‘Cymru’-‘Wales’in the Lake District) and places called Avon (Afon-a river). ‘Glas’ means blue-green & ‘gow’ derives from *’cu’ meaning dear or sweet— so that Glasgow means dear green (place) ! Rather wonderful ! And lived up to again by the Provost ! ( btw In the Highlands of… Read more »

Cheryl Va.
16 years ago

I just love the Scots and good on Putney. Well done to Gene Robinson for not “ceasing to exist” so that souls can purport that God only loves the strong and pure (which really means the selfish and complacent).

L Roberts
L Roberts
16 years ago

‘Well done to Gene Robinson for not “ceasing to exist” ‘ Cheryl.

Well said Cheryl ! I find Gene Robinson’s witness very encouraging.

Glagow Provost’s website is intersting —sounds like a vibrant progressive community. (Good links to Aoeteroa / NZ & other progressives too !)

16 years ago

Thank God for the celtic fringe (i.e. Scotland – and Wales- if not ++Rowan’s beard)

Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson
16 years ago

How wonderful to know of the invitations sent to Bishop Gene Robinson to preach at both St Mary’s, Putney and St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow. (The city in which I was born!). It’s also so good to hear of the width of vision of Archbishop of Wales – Barry Morgan – and that he would be prepared to ordain a gay priest to the episopate if his Church wished for that. Although not invited to attend the Lambeth Conference, I believe that Bishop Gene will attend and in spite of all the hate mail which he has received. May God… Read more »

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