Thinking Anglicans

more on that church service

Updated Wednesday morning

It’s hard to keep up with the flow of material on this topic.

Guardian Riazat Butt Priests in civil partnership blessing were reckless, says bishop

New Zealand Herald Gay New Zealand vicar lying low after exchanging vows

New Statesman Martin Dudley Why I blessed gay clergymen’s relationship

The Times Ruth Gledhill To any outside observer this gay marriage was a traditional church wedding

Daily Mail I’d do it all again, says vicar after row over Britain’s first gay ‘wedding’ in an Anglican church

For further links to commentary etc. please refer to Dave Walker’s article at the Church Times Blog The Anglican same-sex blessing service.

Waikato Times Bruce Holloway Gay cleric one of the city’s `best’

Letters to the editor of The Times Church bickering over gays is unchristian

Sir, Christians who are not Anglicans are dismayed by the endless bickering in the Church of England (“Church in meltdown over gays and women”, June 16, and letters, June 17) because of what it is doing to the reputation of the Chistian faith. The issues which divide the established Church have nothing to do with the gospel we are all here to declare. Little wonder the pagan world looks on with cynical disbelief…

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16 years ago

If the liberals in the CofE weren’t such lily-livered cowards, they would all stand up, one by one , and support this couple and this vicar. We all know that the numbers who sympathise are considerable. But if they put unity in support of bigotry as a higher priority – and yes, that does mean Bishops standing up and saying: the Church, York and Canterbury are wrong, and I will publicly oppose this bigotry – then that says an awful lot about them. Unity is meaningless unless it is unity for what matters – and that means the fence-sitting and… Read more »

L Roberts
L Roberts
16 years ago

From the Waikato Times :– ‘While most high-profile figures within the church’s Hamilton ranks have dived for cover and refused to comment on anything to do with the Waikato Hospital doctor, former Hamilton city councillor Jocelyn Marshall, a lay canon and hymn writer with the church, sang his praises. “David is the most talented, gifted, intelligent, dedicated and sensitive person,” she said. “Apply any great epithet you can think of he is one of Hamilton’s very best. “His partner has visited from time to time and he is another delightful guy I have learned to admire greatly. They just make… Read more »

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