Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: Saturday news

News is scarce.

Riazat Butt reports on the GAFCON releases, in Prelates ‘are justifying sin’

And also reports on the new book by Jane Williams, World of a Wah: wife of Rowan Williams speaks out.

Ruth Gledhill also reports on the GAFCON material in The Times, in Rowan Williams takes up the cross of diplomacy.

George Conger at Religious Intelligence says No signs of crisis as Lambeth Conference begins.

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
15 years ago

“Jane Williams, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury – top Wah – explains that she prefers the moniker to the alternative of Waps (wives and partners), because “partner” cannot identify someone as heterosexual and married.”
Later in the article she comments that so many people are praying for Rowan.

I hope she knows that many of us praying for Rowan and for all the bishops are those who would love to see a future where Wah has to be replaced by Wap, and where people aren’t identified and categorised as anything other than Christians.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
15 years ago

“Signed by the archbishops of Nigeria, West Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and the Southern Cone, who between them represent half of the world’s Anglicans….”

First of all, a nitpick–if there are more than two of them, it’s not “between them,” it’s “among them.” Has the Queen’s English fallen this far?

Secondly, there’s that old bugaboo of mine–if the vast majority of the Anglicans of those provinces have no say in choosing these leaders (and they don’t), then these leaders do not “represent” them.

15 years ago

“Pageflakes”, a site to which I was directed from Kendal Harmon’s T19, gives a fine, catholic overview of reports on Lambeth.

Martin Reynolds
15 years ago

I suppose we now all expect to read rather extraordinary stuff from Ruth – and with the Primer (not intended for human eyes!) and now the old story of Prof Norman Doe’s long work on what Cannon Law there is to be found in common within the Communion (5th element!) we see that we are not to be disappointed. The quote of the day is I suggest this startling comment on Rowan Williams which runs: “The impression of an indecisive man wringing his hands in futile despair is not entirely false. The picture is multilayered.” It is so good to… Read more »

poppy tupper
poppy tupper
15 years ago

Please, one day, can there be an Archbishop of Canterbury’s wife who does not write a book about being ABC’s wife?

15 years ago

I agree, Martin, that in her over-the-topness you quoted, Ms. Butt does not seem to be up to her usual high standards.


“Jane Williams, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury – top Wah – explains that she prefers the moniker to the alternative of Waps (wives and partners), because ‘partner’ cannot identify someone as heterosexual and married.”

What a pity Mrs. Williams never learned the virtue that, if you have nothing constructive to say, just keep one’s mouth CLOSED. :-X

Lord have mercy!

Cheryl Va.
15 years ago

Well GAFCON might not be attending, but their lobbying continues. The Anglican Communion can take small comfort in knowing that they now share the fate of the Catholic Church. They now have a descendant that claims to have the true lineage back to Jesus and will be the only church that their Jesus will recognise when he returns to slay the rest of Creation. Of course, there will need to be a theological program and sermon training to ensure the new ministers are able to convince their parishioners that they are the only remaining holy order on this planet.

Dan Baynes
Dan Baynes
15 years ago

“Jane Williams, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury – top Wah – explains that she prefers the moniker to the alternative of Waps (wives and partners), because ‘partner’ cannot identify someone as heterosexual and married.” What a pity Mrs. Williams never learned the virtue that, if you have nothing constructive to say, just keep one’s mouth CLOSED. :-X (JCF) So speaking in favour of marriage has nothing constructive about it, has it? I shudder at the mentality that could make a gripe like this. I also wonder how it tallies with the oft-repeated assurance that promoting homosexual unions need not… Read more »

Richard Lyon
Richard Lyon
15 years ago

The statement in Sunday’s Guardian from Bishop Tom Wright equating the consecration of Gene Robinson with the invasion of Iraq is not not likely to contribute to a spirit of harmony and cooperation for the conference. Can’t somebody put a mussel on that man!

15 years ago

But three of the GAFFEPRONE signatories are at Lambeth IIRC. West Africa, Tanzania and Southern Cone are all there.

And I’m thinking that the timing of this screed’s release might be a touch uncomfortable for them.

That’s assuming they ever signed off on it. At least one commentator is suggesting (based on I don’t know what evidence) that thhe signatory primates may have had very little to do with this document – and some may not even have seen it before release.

Spirit of Vatican II
15 years ago

Gafcon could hardly have mistimed their ungracious comment more ineptly.

Ruth must be rather frustrated hanging round the fringes and unable to imagine the spiritual fest other than as a political fray.

15 years ago

In fact, Conger is still busily at the GAFCON propaganda masked as “objective journalism” game. His latest offering “The crack-up of the Anglican Communion hand, evangelicals say” was published yesterday in Christianity Today. “‘I don’t have great expectations” for Lambeth, Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh said” …….. “The pleas for dialogue at this stage rang false, Bishop Venables said” ……. “The crack-up of the Anglican Communion is at hand, evangelical bishops .. tell Christianity Today” ….. “…many of the American bishops are not seeking preservation of the status quo but are lobby [sic] for approval for perform gay marriages and… Read more »

15 years ago

>>>At least one commentator is suggesting (based on I don’t know what evidence) that thhe signatory primates may have had very little to do with this document

Sounds like Minnsinola is at it again.

15 years ago

“So speaking in favour of marriage has nothing constructive about it, has it? I shudder at the mentality that could make a gripe like this.”

That’s a radically innovative reading of my “text”, Dan.

Still, I made ya shudder—so maybe I (w/ a holy boost from the Holy Ghost) did something right? ;-/

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