Thinking Anglicans

opinions collected

John Polkinghorne writes in The Times about Shining a light where science and theology meet.

Peter Francis writes in the Guardian that interfaith understanding is more important than a literal reading of scripture, see Face to Faith.

And yesterday, Jonathan Romain wrote about antisemitism and Islamophobia, see Keeping up the struggle. And there is more about that Pew survey both here and here.

Doug LeBlanc wrote Storming hell’s gates at Episcopal Life Online.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times about A saint who taught me to see real reverence.

Two weeks ago, Ted Harrison argued for fewer bishops in the CofE, see A case of episcopal hyperinflation.

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Prior Aelred
15 years ago

Ted Harrison makes a point that I have been arguing for some time — it seems curious indeed that the solution to the increasing alienation of the people of England from the C of E (which theoretically is supposed to be the people of the Commonwealth at prayer) is to keep increasing the number of bishops. Downsizing never seems to stop at the top, alas.

Cheryl Va.
15 years ago

The Presbyterians got it right. Get rid of the bishops. They back slap and self-serve, at the expense of their own parishioners if their career interests are jeopardized. God is God of ALL Creation and God is responsible for all souls. Nor is God diminished by human comprehension of universal mechanism. Nor is God dictated or defined by angels, Jesus, humans or priests. The Christians that claim that Jesus is the complete and perfect fulfillment of God are welcome to their one-way street to Jesus’ heaven. God is righteous and God makes fair provision for all souls. My recommendations to… Read more »

Robert Ian williams
Robert Ian williams
15 years ago

Thankfully the Canadian legal system seems to be fairer and quicker than that south of the border. Whilst I have sympathy with the “conservatives”, the fact is I feel that they are on a loser here. Wouldn’t their money be better and more wisely spent on a building fund for their new churches..rather than lining lawyers pockets?

Furthermore you can bet that the new structure they eventually set up, will guarantee that all future property stays within the grouping!

15 years ago

On Romain and Francis: No, the solution is to deliver on the promise of a good education for all, since level of education by his own analysis is a contributing factor. Then again, Martin Amis is hardly illiterate but still manages to have some ‘doubtful’ views of Islam, and Nick Griffin was educated at Cambridge. So clearly this isn’t just about five good GCSEs or more. Be careful of yourself employing the language of ‘zero tolerance’ towards the apparently ignorant. It seems to me you would rather condemn a certain social stratum than raise up those who can be classified… Read more »

Prior Aelred
15 years ago

Cheryl Va.

Oh dear, I’m afraid I cannot agree — a friend of mine was ordained today in the Dutch Reformed tradition, but she does not claim to be a priest — a pile of presbyters does not a bishop make, no matter how high you stack them.

When my Novice Master was in seminary, the debated as to whether bishops were of the “esse” of the church or the “bene esse” & concluded that they must be of the “esse” of the church, since they were obviously NOT of the “bene esse”!

John-Julian, OJN
John-Julian, OJN
15 years ago

Prior Aelred, you’re a hoot! I recommend the opposite of what seems to be the popular stand: I recommend MORE bishops — many more — one for each parish would seem about right (and would emulate the pre-contaminated Church mighty well). But no episcopal palaces, no stipends higher than the lowest paid priest, no drivers or valets (and, of course, no chancellors or archdeacons). But at least two non-stipendiary deacons who could “run things”. But then, of course, we’d still probably end up with boundary-jumpers! Perhaps the solution would be an ankle chain which would reach only to the parish… Read more »

Cheryl Va.
15 years ago

Thanks for the light moment John-Julian. Alas, when we use the word priest, we no longer can refer to only males who attempt to contain God to their limited imaginations. More bishopes is not the answer Hosea 4:7-14 “The more the priests increased, the more they sinned against me; they exchanged their Glory for something disgraceful. They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness. And it will be: Like people, like priests… They consult a wooden idol and are answered by a stick of wood. A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to… Read more »

15 years ago

How about we cut the middle and say of the pleni esse, which is more in keeping with our divines past? We do not unchurch churches that do not have bishops, and I think we need to remember that when we start feeling Romish.

Cheryl Va.
15 years ago

Christopher postulated “How about we cut the middle…”

Therein lies the problem.

If we cut the middle, then only extremists remain. The selfish can not control the middle, because the middle by necessity involves engaging and accommodating the “other”.

So choose extremism and your god of justification for violence, or choose the middle and accept your god as one of many who have to cohabitate in a Creation and acknowledge a God who is the parent and sponsor of all (from the least to the greatest, dirtiest to purest).

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