Thinking Anglicans

latest Church of England statistics

updated Friday afternoon

The latest Church of England statistics, for 2006/2007, have been released. These are now only published online, although some are usually published later in the Church of England Year Book.

The official press release states Statistics show increased ordinations, vocations and giving.

Bill Bowder in the Church Times reports Clergy numbers up, but laity down.

The statistics cover a lot more than is picked up in the press release and the Church Times article, and a full list is below the fold.

Statistics for earlier years are also available.


David Walker has covered this story in his Church Times blog where he draws our attention to an analysis by David Keen: Fewer and Older: New Church of England stats on clergy, ordinations, schools and finance.

  • Summary diocesan statistics
    • Diocesan Statistics
  • Parochial affiliation and attendance 2006
    • Attendance comparisons 2000 to 2006
      • Average weekly attendances 2006 and 2005
      • 2006 all age church attendance: two year increases map
      • Parochial church attendance 2000 to 2006
      • All Age Church Attendance 2000 to 2006
    • Average Attendances 2006
    • Easter and Christmas
      • Easter and Christmas 2006
      • Parochial Easter and Christmas comparisons 1922 to 2006
    • Parochial baptisms and thanksgiving
    • Confirmations
      • Confirmations 2006
      • Confirmations by age and gender 1976 and 2006
    • Church electoral rolls
    • Affiliation and attendance comparisons 1900 to 2006
      • Parochial Easter and Christmas comparisons 1922 to 2006
      • Baptisms and thanksgivings
      • Parochial funerals and deaths in England, 2000 to 2006
      • Confirmations
      • Electoral rolls and usual Sunday attendances
    • Marriages and funerals
      • Parochial marriages and funerals 2006
      • Total marriages in England 1982 to 2005
      • First marriages, England and Wales 1982 to 2006
    • Church Schools 1990 to 2007
      • Church of England licensed ministries 2007
      • Summary of licensed ministers
      • Full-time stipendiary diocesan clergy
      • Chaplaincy and other ministries
      • Readers and Church Army
        • Licensed readers and Church Army 2007
        • Changes in Reader ministry 1997 to 2007
      • Age profiles and age structures
        • Age profiles of stipendiary clergy
        • Age of clergy at 31 Dec 2007
      • Minority ethnic backgrounds
      • Age profile of licensed ministers 2007
      • Gender of diocesan clergy, 2007 and 1994
      • Full-time stipendiary clergy: losses and gains 1990 to 2007
      • The stipendiary clergy share system
      • Distribution of stipendiary diocesan clergy
      • Projections of stipendiary diocesan clergy shares
        • Projections of stipendiary clergy numbers
        • Projections of diocesan stipendiary clergy shares 2008 to 2012
      • Recommended candidates age profiles 1994 to 2007
      • Ordinations and reader admissions 1994 to 2007
  • Parochial finance 2006
    • Financial comparisons 1964 to 2006
      • Tax-efficient planned giving
      • Giving to and unrestricted income of Parochial Church Councils
      • Tax-efficient planned giving as a percentage of unrestricted recurrent income
      • Growth in income and expenditure
      • Unrestricted recurring income
      • Total recurring expenditure
      • Income from 1998 to 2006
      • Expenditure of Parochial Church Councils
    • Planned giving
      • Combined unrestricted and restricted tax-efficient planned giving to PCCs 2006
      • Combined unrestricted and restricted tax-efficient planned giving to PCCs 2005
    • Direct and other giving
    • Recurring income
      • Unrestricted recurring income 2006
      • Unrestricted recurring income 2005
    • Recurring expenditure
      • Recurring expenditure 2006
      • Recurring expenditure 2005
  • Maps
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Fr Mark
15 years ago

The Church of England has spent the last five years or so defining itself negatively by whom it cannot welcome with open arms (see Peter Broadbent’s statement vis-a-vis St Bartholomew the Great’s appalling crime of welcoming and even blessing the marginalised): attendance at Sunday services fell from 660,000 to 622,000 in one year. How long before church leaders get the message? If we exude negativity towards our diverse society, we can’t expect its members to queue up for our services, can we?

15 years ago

David Keen speaks excellent sense. ‘The C of E is not the only show in town.’ Of course.

There are too many C of E bishops. Of course. (Applies equally to RC bishops.)

Yet another context where stress on ideological purity/theological ‘correctness’ seems not only stupid but completely impractical.

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