Thinking Anglicans

ACC reports – Thursday morning

The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 2
This is concerned with The International Anglican Youth Network.

The Continuing Indaba and Mutual Listening Project

Anglican Consultative Council Digest

Listening Process ready to move to next phase

Anglican Journal
Anglican Communion can no longer afford ‘ad-hoc’ response to crises, says official

ACC commits church to new stage of listening process

Anglican provinces may be asked to increase contributions

Anglican Mainstream
The Fourth Moratorium – Report from ACC-14 Day 5 Part 1

Coming to a church meeting near you: Indaba funded from Atlanta, Georgia. Report from ACC-14 Day 5 part 2

Changing Attitude
The Listening Process on Human Sexuality – Canon Phil Groves reports to the ACC in Jamaica

Is the Listening Process report good news for LGBT Anglicans?

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15 years ago

“Today, a pastor and his wife are being evicted from their home in Colorado Springs”. Anglican Mainstream commentator Robert Lundy, “Communications Officer, American Anglican Council”, has the gall to try to use Don Armstrong as a stick with which to beat TEC? Good to see that AAC now apparently recognizes property theft for what it is and has rejected the “no litigation” ploy.

15 years ago

Chris Sugden appears to have distorted ++Anis’s meaning through the device of selective quotation. TitusOneNine has now republished Sugden’s article. Its selective quotation technique has already convinced their readers that ++Anis called for an end to the Listening Process — which he did not. No surprise — this is hardly the first time that deceptive and misleading communications have emanated from this group. It should be abundantly clear at this point that Sugden, Lundy, Minns, Ashey, et. al. act manipulatively and in bad faith. They deceive their own followers and deceive themselves; they plot, lie, and manipulate; their only interest… Read more »

15 years ago

“Can such a man be trusted?”

I think that to ask the question is to answer it. Such a man cannot be trusted, ever.

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

Having listened to the podcast of the Briefing of the Press, given on the 7th May by Canon Phil Groves, it was interesting to hear the statement of David Virtue (Reporter for ‘Virtueonline’) that he and certain Bishops in Africa who are part of GAFCON were in complete agreement that homosexuality was contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures and, therefore, they had no need to engage in a listening process which involved the LGBT case for inclusion in the Church. This was not at all surprising to Canon Phil, who reminded Virtue that the listening process meant just that:… Read more »

15 years ago

I tried to post this comment regarding “The Fourth Moratorium” at Canon Harmon’s site, but evidently my ban from SF extends to that site as well:

Excuse me, but how did something that the Primates Communique itself called one of the “Key Recommendations of the Primates” become a “requirement” and “condition for readmission”? The Primates Meetings were established as an opportunity for “leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation;” how exactly did they become legislative meetings with the power to issue ukases?

Kelvin Holdsworth
15 years ago

Note that the continuing Indaba process makes no mention of gay people or of listening to gay voices.

It is a very long way away from the commitment in Lambeth 1.10:
“We commit ourselves to listen to the experience of homosexual persons and we wish to assure them that they are loved by God and that all baptised, believing and faithful persons, regardless of sexual orientation, are full members of the Body of Christ;”

15 years ago

I posted the text of the “fourth moratorium” section of the 2007 Dar es Salaam communiqué on the T19 thread yesterday evening, BillyD. Canon Dr Sugden, who the thread was quoting, seems to have forgotten that his and Martyn Minns’ celebrated backroom “briefings” of Abp Akinola at the 2007 conference resulted in the primates “urging”, not “requiring”, a cessation of litigation BY ALL PARTIES. The communiqué also urges “both parties to give assurances that no steps will be taken to alienate property from The Episcopal Church without its consent or to deny the use of that property to those congregations”.… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
15 years ago

Let’s see the full text of that section, which reads as follows

“On property disputes”

“The Primates urge the representatives of The Episcopal Church and of those congregations in property disputes with it to suspend all actions in law arising in this situation. We also urge both parties to give assurances that no steps will be taken to alienate property from The Episcopal Church without its consent or to deny the use of that property to those congregations”.

15 years ago

Correct. There is no “Fourth Moratorium,” though it would be convenient for ACNA and other so-called “orthodox” if there were. The California courts have just ruled that former TEC Bishop Schofield cannot remove his diocese from TEC without TEC’s consent, and all similar court cases recently have found against the “orthodox.” Reduced to desperate strategies, the “orthodox” now claim that the Primates’ Meeting in Tanzania ordered TEC to cease to defend itself against secessionists’ claims to its property, on pain of further exclusion from the Communion’s meetings. Equally distorted, if not downright imaginary laws, rulings, and mandates previously advanced by… Read more »

15 years ago

And yet the attempt to create a “fourth moratorium” out of thin air was narrowly rejected by the ACC. I do recommend listening to all of Canon John Rees’ legal briefing. As the questions indicate, the gap between his understanding of the Anglican Communion and that of others’ understandings of it, is profound. Canon Rees believes the Communion is made up of gatherings of people who share a common history; they maintain good will toward one another while seeking ways to become ever closer and more effective as a communion. His “orthodox” questioners demand a legal and punitive structure “with… Read more »

15 years ago

As best I can see at the moment, the dim hope for continuing the listening process is simply that some way, somehow, good things will get a chance to happen – particularly in violent, unfair places around the planet where being gay cannot be discussed, even in the nastiest clinical narratives, let alone with an educated healthy appreciation for animal and human diversity. No harm in going forward then, but lower your expectations, and if God does little miracles here and there, let’s hope we know about them and can say a prayer of thanks. Nobody key or important is… Read more »

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