Thinking Anglicans

ACC final reports

Updated Wednesday afternoon

Festive Service Closes ACC-14

ACC-14 Press Briefing 12th May 2009

Resolutions of ACC-14

Anglican Journal
ACC delegates end meeting ‘more hopeful’ for future, says Williams

‘We go home with hope’

Episcopal News Service
Anglican Consultative Council Digest

Anglican Consultative Council meeting closes on hopeful note

Anglican TV
Unedited video of last Friday’s debate concerning the Covenant can be found here.

Update Wednesday afternoon

The American Anglican Council appears to attach great importance to the source of external funding for the continuing of the Listening Process. In a press release they refer to a PDF file issued by the Satcher Health Leadership Institute.

Anglican TV
ACC 14 Alternative Press Conference
This event involves four delegates from the “Global South”.

Religious Intelligence has Archbishop says summit ended in ‘glorious failure’ .

Global South Anglican
A response to ACC-14 in Jamaica from Global South delegates

ENS Lively worship at historic Spanish Town cathedral closes ACC meeting

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15 years ago

More info about Satcher at its web site.


Ford Foundation grants are apparently helping fund the Center of Excellence for Sexual Health. There is at least mention of science and evidence-based practices in sexual health.

Getting some accurate science data and evidence-based public health and general public policy practices into the listening process for Anglicans would be most welcome; though of course not everybody thinks they have anything to learn about gays or sexuality or health, at all, as the leaders in Nigeria and other conservative forums have already stated forcefully.

Prior Aelred
15 years ago

The Global South Anglican response is interesting — not least because it justifies border crossings (the “moratorium” which has never been observed) & is signed almost exclusively by Lambeth boycotters.

BTW — what is this “agreed upon moratoria” language? By whom? The interveners have never agreed to stop border crossings, but always justified them. The illegally passed BO33 doesn’t explicitly say what the moratoria request (even thought that was its intent & has been its effect).

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Some of us who had previously had significant doubts about the wisdom of these interventions have become aware from those whose provinces have taken this bold step that these interventions were both necessary and justified, and others that they were understandable, as an answer to a distress call” – Global South response to ACC14 – More justified, perhaps, was the decision made in various Churches of the Communion, to ordain both women and gays and to bless the parterships of monogamous gay couples. I wonder whether that was talked about with any sense of fairness in the plenaries of the… Read more »

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