Thinking Anglicans

next Bishop of Carlisle

From the Church of England website today

Next Bishop of Carlisle announced

Downing Street announced this morning that “The Queen has approved the nomination of the Right Reverend James William Scobie Newcome MA, FRSA, Suffragan Bishop of Penrith, for election as Bishop of Carlisle in succession to the Right Reverend Geoffrey Graham Dow, MA, BSc, MSc, MPhil, who resigned on 30 April 2009.”

Penrith is a suffragan see to Carlisle.

The local Cumbrian press published this about three quarters of an hour before the CofE.
Times and Star New Bishop of Carlisle announced

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Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

Bishop Dow will be a hard act to follow.

15 years ago

Will the new bishop manage to embarrass Carlisle as much as the old one did?

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

Will the new bishop manage to embarrass Carlisle as much as the old one did?

Posted by: JPM on Friday, 29 May 2009 at 1:52pm BST

Like I said – a hard act to follow !

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“Will the new bishop manage to embarrass Carlisle as much as the old one did?” A more important question is “Was Carlisle embarrassed by their old bishop?” Just because WE think a bishop is being a bit, shall we say, off, doesn’t mean that his flock thinks so. They may well think that what he is doing is perfectly reasonable, even Godly. There are Christians in Nigeria who think +Akinola is reasonable, there are Christians in the US who think +Duncan is near sainthood, and unless I miss my guess, there are Christians in Sydney who think Jensen is an… Read more »

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