Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod

The Church of England General Synod meets from 10 to 13 July in York. An outline agenda has been published, and is copied below.


July 2009 Group of Sessions


Sitting hours: 9.15 am – 1.00 pm, 2.30 pm – 6.15 pm and 8.30 pm – 10.00 pm (except where otherwise stated)

Friday, 10 July

3.30 pm Prayers, introductions, welcomes, progress of legislation; greeting on behalf of the ecumenical guests
Business Committee Report
Appointments to Archbishops’ Council and of Chair of Audit Committee
Christian Stewardship: Report from the National Stewardship Committee
Introduction to group work: Paper from the Council for Christian Unity/Faith and Order Advisory Group on the ARCIC report Life in Christ

8.30 pm Questions

Saturday, 11 July

9.00 am Group work (including prayer)

10.15 am Faithful Cities: Urban Life and Faith: presentation
Legislative Business:
Amending Canon No 28
Vacancies in Suffragan Sees and Other Ecclesiastical Offices Measure
Crown Benefices (Parish Representatives) Measure
Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure

2.30 pm Clergy Pensions: presentation
Archbishops’ Council’s Spending Priorities 2010-2015
Archbishops’ Council’s Budget
Liturgical Business: Additional Weekday Lectionary and Amendments to Calendar, Lectionary and Collects

8.30 pm Archbishops’ Council’s Annual Report
Church Commissioners’ Annual Report: presentation

Sunday, 12 July

2.30 pm Opening Doors: Ministry with People with Learning Disabilities: Report from the Committee for Ministry of and Among Deaf and Disabled People and Mission and Public Affairs Division
Review of Constitutions
Episcopal and Senior Church Appointments: Bradford Diocesan Synod Motion

8.30 pm Being Adult about Childhood: A Consideration of the Good Childhood Inquiry: Report by the Children’s Society and Mission and Public Affairs Division

Monday, 13 July

9.15 am Prayers
Anglican Communion: an update, by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Legislative Business:
Changes to the Rules of the Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme and the Past Service Scheme
Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations
Two Consolidation Measures (if debated)
Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2009 and Clergy Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2009
Usual Fees Orders (if debated)

2.30 pm Clergy Discipline: London Diocesan Synod Motion (and Chelmsford Diocesan Synod Motion)

4.45 pm Prorogation

Contingency Business: Chelmsford DSM: Confidence in the Bible

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Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
15 years ago

There was some disquiet at the last Chelmsford Diocesan Synod that the first of the two motions we passed (the one on the Bible) was only contingency business. Part of the point is to draw people’s attention to the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible in 2011, and to encourage some serious and joined-up thinking about how to celebrate this in a way which brings the message of the Bible to the people of our nation. The other Diocesan Synod motion (London leading, Chelmsford also involved) is listed last. I do hope that there… Read more »

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