Thinking Anglicans

FCA greetings revealed

Greetings to Be Faithful from Her Majesty the Queen, Archbishops and others

Her Majesty the Queen:
After the Jerusalem conference we wrote to her Majesty the Queen expressing our concerns for the Anglican Communion, our loyalty to her as the Supreme Governor of the CofE, and the pressing need for the Anglican Church to remain faithful to the biblical gospel. She replied that she ‘understands the commitment to the Anglican Church that prompted you and your brethren to write as you did’. She sent us another message last week, expressing her encouragement for our meeting today, and her (quote) ‘good wishes to all concerned for a successful and memorable event’.

The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury:
‘I shall be glad to hold all of you in my prayers for the occasion’.

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15 years ago

Wow. If the FCA construes Her Majesty’s letter and the remark by the Archbishop of Canterbury as being signs of those two august personages’ support, they probably think that the cashier at the supermarket really is concerned with their well-being when they say, “Have a nice day!”

15 years ago

But it really is all about public perception, isn’t it? And some only read headlines– ironic in that conservative blogs used to assert the “pewsters” in TEC were shallow – now they seem to hope their own constituency does not look beneath the surface – or, horrors, maybe they believe their own PR machine!

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

Might also explain how they think being nasty is just normal…

15 years ago

Actually, I spent the day on Saturday with a supermarket cashier who really is concerned with his customers’ well-being and regards his work as an opportunity for ministry. He told me the story of how he recently both obtained and personally provided excellent emergency medical assistance for a customer who suffered a medical emergency while shopping. I hope that if I ever suffer a medical emergency in the grocery store, I will likewise be in the position to attest that the cashier really is concerned with my well-being when he says, “Have a nice day!” (And yes, the cashier in… Read more »

15 years ago

They really don’t understand British politeness and protocol, do they? No doubt because this movement is largely run from outside Britain

15 years ago

Yes the various indicators appear mixed; yet I am not finally willing to conclude that either the current monarch or the current resident of Canterbury are headlong urging us to collapse the Elizabethan Settlement precedent, or the big tent additions later built in not so subtle imitation of the ES. Thinking otherwise is just too, well, narrow minded. A generous gospel is not what the conservative Anglican realignment is all about; more likely, a penal gospel and nothing but. All I hear is: Crucify the queer folks, and while we’re at it, use them as a caution to women and… Read more »

susan hedges
susan hedges
15 years ago

It might be interesting to see the whole of the letter rather than just the pull quote! What comes right before or right after the Queen’s message might put it all in a completely different light.

15 years ago

I have attempted to find the WHOLE letters, but all I can find are excerpts. We all know excerpts can prove anything – it’s the whole context that I want to read.

15 years ago

Maybe Rowan was praying for John Broadhurst to say something totally over the top?

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

Maybe Rowan was praying for John Broadhurst to say something totally over the top?

Posted by: Lapinbizarre on Monday, 6 July 2009 at 8:34pm BST

Does this really require prayers ?

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Lord Carey sent his support.. the Archbishop who told Prince Charles to marry his mistress.

15 years ago

“Maybe Rowan was praying for John Broadhurst to say something totally over the top?”

If so, they seem to have been effective prayers. Satan works in Church House – really?

15 years ago

I really do hope the Queen’s letter is a formal ‘wishing well’. We do need to see the full text now that parts of it have been quoted. If it is more than a formal reply I would like to know who advised the Queen in terms of its content. The convention in the UK is that the Queen can only speak with the advice and agreement of her ministers. In such a political and ecclesiastical minefield as this she should be taking advice. Otherwise we risk dragging the Queen into this sorry saga with all the resulting damage it… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“Lord Carey sent his support.. the Archbishop who told Prince Charles to marry his mistress”

God love you! But, I think it only counts as hypocrisy when OTHERS do it. Those opposed to homosexuality are engaged in such a valiant, glorious, and Gospel defending cause that nothing they do can even be considered embarrassing, let alone hypocritical or unChristian.

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

These “Thank yous” to telegrams sent from various organisations in session, are routine in all Monarchies in Europe.

I remember one sent and got by the Internatioal Lesbian and Gay Association meeting in Oslo in 1988…

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Plus the fact Goran, it was the same Sovereign, who signed civil partnerships , gay adoption and the decriminalisation of homosexuality into law.

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

They don’t seem to remember that on Pink News…

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

‘Plus the fact Goran, it was the same Sovereign, who signed civil partnerships , gay adoption and the decriminalisation of homosexuality into law.’

(Posted by: Robert Ian Williams on Wednesday, 8 July 2009 at 6:07am BST )

YES, and the Royal Assent for Jeffrey John too.

And, The Queen Mum had a lot of gay footmen and staff — she liked lively, cheerful folk around her.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“The Queen Mum had a lot of gay footmen and staff”

“Would one of you young queens get an old Queen a drink?”

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