Thinking Anglicans

General Synod: press reports Sunday

Updated Sunday afternoon

Telegraph Jonathan Wynne-Jones
Church accuses Government of favouring Muslims

Archbishop of Canterbury in bid to prevent church split over homosexuality

BBC Church to consider fewer bishops

Press Association via Independent Synod to debate calls to sack bishops

Press Association Clergy retirement age may increase

There is also an excellent piece about the Synod on the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme, link via this page.

Afternoon Update

Not strictly a report from General Synod, but very interesting:
Mail on Sunday Jonathan Petre Bishops ‘will lose right to vote’ in Labour’s reform of Lords

The Times Ruth Gledhill Dr John Sentamu warns of dangers of power as Church seeks cetralisation

Telegraph Martin Beckford Archbishop of York compares teen murder victims to John the Baptist

Living Church George Conger Motion in English Synod to Recognize ACNA

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15 years ago

I am sick unto death of conservatives whining that GLBT people are ruining “their” church. Strange, I thought all Christians, even liberal and GLBT ones, were members of the body of Christ. It is therefore every Christian’s church, not just the select few who know what’s best for everyone. I love the line “if the liberal Americans force through radical reforms” in what is an allegedly neutral news article. Any resolutions at TEC’s General Assembly will be debated and voted on in full public view. All voices will have a chance to be heard. Any resolution on rites for same-sex… Read more »

15 years ago

‘I love the line “if the liberal Americans force through radical reforms” in what is an allegedly neutral news article.’

Sorry, peterpi, but whatever gave you the idea that anything published by the Daily Telegraph is neutral? The Torygraph always puts its own conservative slant on things. The British press is never neutral.

15 years ago

RPNewark, thanks for the information on the Daily Telegraph. I guess I’ll have to view their articles through the same “unfair and unbalanced” lens I view Fox News here in the States *grin*

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