Thinking Anglicans

more news from Pittsburgh

The previous report here was in late January.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that Anglicans hear legal fight details in Monroeville meetings.

And, direct from the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh:

Parishes and Diocese Meet to Discuss Litigation

Leaders from all 55 parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh met with diocesan leaders to worship and discuss the current status of the litigation with The Episcopal Church. Archbishop Duncan read a prepared statement, which addressed financial concerns, timelines, and the way forward in mission. Bob Devlin, chancellor for the diocese, and members of the standing committee responded to questions and concerns from parish leaders. Parish leaders were also given various resources to guide them in moving forward with their mission.

To view Archbishop Duncan’s statement, click here. [PDF]

To view a Frequently Asked Questions sheet from this meeting, click here. [PDF]

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14 years ago

“….the importance of all parishes “hanging together, lest we hang separately” …. the possibility that one or more parishes may be drawn to pursue an independent and alternative course as a result of peculiar local circumstances.” Unity cracking as cold feet and reality set in? Both Statement and FAQ lack the triumphalism of some earlier statements.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

” Q: Should we exercise caution in out relation-ships with those who have remained in TEC? A: We should never be cautious in showing love to others. The apostle Paul reminded the Roman Christians to ‘Love one another with brotherly affection’ and to ‘outdo one another in showing honour’. It’s good advice that we should follow.” – ACNA Pittsburgh’s Q & A Session post-GSE4 – Isn’t it all a bit too late for that. The action of schismatic departure from TEC has rendered this biblical quotation ‘out of court’ so to speak. The further action of trying, still, upon appeal,… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

The self-appointed “archbishop” Duncan has proven time after time that he can’t be trusted. He is trying in vain to steal property which clearly does not belong to him. His arrogance and backward thinking are going to advance the imploding organization he claims as “authentic” representative of the “true” Anglican theology in North America. He is looking mighty silly but he is also sounding more and more unstable. He will take those Christians who fall on his every word down the tube with him. They are most likely much smaller in numbers than he is actually claiming. His claims are… Read more »

14 years ago

Okay, I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw a reference to the “Anglicans” gathering in Monroeville, which is home to the Monroeville Mall, famous for the Monroeville Mall, “gathering” spot for Romero’s flesh-eating zombies in *Dawn of the Dead*.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Frank Gilstrap, of the Arlington, Texas, law firm Hill Gilstrap, countered that the court must defer to the decisions of TEC, which, he said, has sole authority to name the diocesan bishop and the trustees of the Corporation. “All the court can do is accept the church’s decision,” Gilstrap told the justices. “A ruling will be issued at a later time. By the court’s order, all proceedings in the case remain stayed.” – A.S.Hurley, c/o virtue-on-line – I suppose Duncan and Co. will be quaking in their gaiters at this turn of events – in their appeal against TEC for… Read more »

14 years ago

TEC and Dio Pittsburgh were evil for taking Duncan et al. to court. We know this because Duncan said so. He said so loud and clear at Dar-es-Salaam. He quoted text and verse. Now Duncan is taking TEC/ Dio Pittsburgh to court. Obviously he is reading scripture with a new hermeneutic…One that makes more sense in his new context, the party not in possession of the assets. Will he be sharing that with the next primates meeting?

Adam Armstrong
Adam Armstrong
14 years ago

Fat chance in Virginia, where the Governor is a homophobic graduate of Pat Robertson’s “University” and appoints similar people to the bench who adjudicate these matters.

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