Thinking Anglicans

Canadian General Synod – Thursday week 2

See separate articles for reports of the debates on sexuality and the Anglican Covenant.

Anglican Journal reports

‘A new vision of what church can be’ Canon 22 establishes self-determining national indigenous ministry
Straight talk Archbishop Fred Hiltz visits with the Anglican Communion Alliance
In other news, General Synod…
Money matters Keep listening to each other, says $30K General Synod sponsor
‘Deep concern’ expressed General Synod asks for a full international inquiry into actions by Israeli Defence Forces
OPINION: General Synod 2010 has been successful for most, but great challenges remain
Why is there still hunger? Anglicans need to get to the causes of poverty, says Anglican Observer to U.N.
Meeting with the Lutherans General Synod 2013 and ELCIC Convention to be ‘fully integrated’

press report

Marites N. Sison at Episcopal Life General Synod action establishes self-determining national indigenous ministry

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“One related motion was also proposed. It requested that all dioceses, the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, the Military Ordinariate, and Religious Orders, engage in theological and scriptural study of human sexuality in the coming triennium. The motion was carried after some debate, and an amendment to add the phrase “In conversation with gay and lesbian voices, and with the full range of theological opinion in the Canadian Church”. – Anglican Journal G.S. Report – At least there is some willingness on the part of the conservatives in Synod to open up the way of conversation (hopefully, dialogue) with lesbian… Read more »

14 years ago

Since thay have now pronounced concern at IDF tactics, just out of interest, has the CGS said much about the Canadian military’s role in Afghanistan since 2001? Any comment ever forthcoming about:

For example?

I understand the sentiment behind “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” but Afghanistan is hardly Canada’s back yard.

At least they had the grace to recognise that Israel is trying to defend itself.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

Afghanistan is not Canada’s backyard. True. But Canadians are in Afghanistan’s front yard. We’ve had about 140+ combat related deaths, plus one diplomat. The Anglican Church of Canada has been completely silent on the issue, silent about the abuse scandal, which has been a major domestic issue, silent about a war that has divided our country. Its what comes of being self absorbed and preoccupied with institutional survival.

14 years ago

>>>Its what comes of being self absorbed and preoccupied with institutional survival.

Some believe that is why the mainline churches in the U.S. have been under such a relentless attack by right wing extremists for the past three decades–to silence what had been America’s leading voices for social justice.

Deliberate or not, it’s certainly worked.

14 years ago

“Some” may believe it, but Jim Naughton’s excellent “Following the Money” is a big part of making the case.

The so-called Institute for Religion and Democracy is an extremist organization that has financed destabalization efforts in mainline denominations that will not conform to the extremism of the religious right.

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

Jim Naughton should be highly commended for his “Following the Money” research. It makes the role of Rowan Williams in all of this intrigue a bit murkier. Is Rowan Willams afraid of these right wing extremists because of their NUMBERS or because of the huge sums of MONEY that right wing organizations contributed toward the destruction of progressive Christians? Based on the statistical evidence described in Naughton’s brilliantly researched articles on this subject, it truly appears that Rowan Williams is at least indirectly cooperating with these right wing extremists and that is profoundly disturbing. Its’ implications should lead to a… Read more »

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