Thinking Anglicans

Scottish Episcopal Church General Synod

In addition to the Thursday, Friday and Saturday reports of last week’s synod the following videos are now online.

These videos were brought to my attention by Inspires Online, the Scottish Episcopal Church’s online newsletter; you can subscribe here.

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

With all that has been going on in the Communion lately – and all the various strands of issues that divide, it was refreshing to hear and see the interview of Kelvin Holdsworth with Bishop Katharine of TEC. Her opening statement was concerned – not with politics but with Mission, which she has described as the raison d’etre of the Church, the Body of Christ. Her eirenic presence and delivery, and her special quality of listening, were most encouraging. The degree of hospitality she has received from both USPG and the Scottish Episcopal Church on this visit has been particularly… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

I believe Presiding Bishop Katharine will be received with much good will and respect by many Christians of many branches of the Holy Catholic Church all over the globe. I’m sure she has even received invitations to come and speak to various large Roman Catholic progressive gatherings such as Call To Action, Voice of The Faithful, We Are Church and Women Priests. Vatican II Catholics admire and respect this remarkable leader. We pray for her to continue to have the guidance and support of the Holy Spirit. She is a brave and courageous disciple of Jesus. Her ministry to the… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

Chris Smith posts a fascinating (though speculative) theory of Rome trying to use Rowan I, and his own Lambeth Curia, as a means of attempting to destroy the pro-women’s ordination forces within the RC Church itself. As a former RC (until 1976, at the age of 42), and as a familiar observer of the forces intent upon destroying the essence of Vatican II, I can admit that this is becoming more rational an analysis as I note the increasing stridency of Rowan I, while he journeys toward what seems his own personal rapprochement with Rome. It would not be beyond… Read more »

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