Thinking Anglicans

another bishop resigns from a standing committee

For an earlier resignation see a bishop resigns from a committee.

Now comes the Bishop in Iran, Azad Marshall.

Read George Conger’s report in the Church of England Newspaper Battle over ACC Standing Committee looms.

The Bishop in Iran has quit the Anglican Communion’s ‘Standing Committee’.

Bishop Azad Marshall’s decision to stand down will come as a blow to the Archbishop of Canterbury who has sought to vest an unprecedented degree of authority in the new entity—formed by the merger of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Standing Committee of the Primates Meeting…

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14 years ago

“Bishop Azad Marshall’s decision to stand down will come as a blow to the Archbishop of Canterbury…”

Yup. His fiat / big lie approach is not going to work. Dr. Williams is intent on acting as though his utterly unsalable covenant is in force. It is a well known technique — tell the same falsehood often enough and it becomes an established fact. It is not going to work this time.

Conservative or liberal, this “blow” is a good thing.


14 years ago

‘..formed by the merger of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Standing Committee of the Primates Meeting…’

Williams’ attempt to undermine the official ACC and its standing committee by merging / adulterating it with the unofficial primates’meeting standing committee is not going to plan.

I am glad he is not getting it all his way ! This is what democratic-ish protestant-ish bodies are like ~!

14 years ago

Oh well, among other options, maybe RW needs to take better heed. RWs consistent efforts to collapse the global spaces previously occupied by thriving progressive Anglican believers; along with RWs hard work to deflate all the institutional oxygen from those selfsame progressive believers … is … still … yet … not … pleasing … to/among his rightwing Anglican audiences/leaders. So the mixed middles are disappearing, with RWs bona fide leadership helps. Strange, though, that Anis and Marshall and Orombi are not hanging on while each man whets his theological pocket knives in favor of the near pending covenant bloodbath when… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“The Primate of Uganda, Archbishop Henry Orombi, has also absented himself from the meetings of the ACSC for the past year. The African’ primates representative has not resigned his seat, but has stated he has no confidence in the integrity of the organization and will not attend meetings if representatives from the Episcopal Church are seated.” – George Conger, C.of E. Newspaper – Bloggers should note that, in no way does this newspaper represent the Inclusivity of the Church of England (whose name is has mis-represented for some time now). Similarly, George Conger does not represent the breadth of the… Read more »

14 years ago

And this is the same Bishop who started out by saying: ‘The Church needs to show that Christ is for the whole world, and therefore we serve people of all faiths. We cannot restrict Jesus to ourselves. We are there to serve. Out of our service comes relationships. There is no conflict between the desire to have inter-faith dialogue and to retain the integrity of the scripture and the Christian faith. The Christ we follow came for all as I said at the end of the service. Whatever relationships we have flow from that given.’ Indeed, he even noted that:… Read more »

14 years ago

At least one half-truth in Conger’s account – “The Primate of Uganda, Archbishop Henry Orombi has also absented himself from the meetings of the ACSC for the past year”. Orombi has not attended a single meeting of the committee, has he? Though he did,of course, attempt to seat Phil Ashey of the schismatic AAC as a Ugandan delegate. Amusing to see that ACI is still throwing its self-imposed, three man weight around. A few days back C Seitz was posting at T19’s thread on A S Haley’s analysis of the recent Fort Worth judgment (a storm in a chalice, if… Read more »

14 years ago
Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“I feel sure that Clarice C Bowton, who established Grace Church, Colorado Springs, Bowton Trust for the expressed and restricted purpose of “providing scholarships for single, unmarried seminarians from Colorado”, would feel much the same way, Dr Seitz.”

Which reminds me – isn’t the trial in Colorado soon to begin?

14 years ago

It was good for Labinbizarre to point out the Bowton trust, but, since some may not recall the context, let me add. He is referencing the fact that now defrocked by TEC and CANA’s problem, Don Armstrong of Grace St. Stephen’s has been indicted for 20 counts of financial mismanagement (fraud, embezzlement what have you) for misuse of funds. The Anglican Communion Institute’s finances were managed by the same man. When the scandal broke, the Institute with the gravitas of its pretentious name, quickly became “three guys with a website” as they rapidly separated themselves from Armstrong claiming their innocence… Read more »

14 years ago

I heartily concur re: Clarice C Bowton. Not sure what your point is. ACI received no monies from this trust and for this and other obvious reasons has never been included in any of the legal proceedings/charges. I do observe that you go on quite a lot about us and our meagerness! Why not give a call into the Diocese of Colorado and ask if any charges were ever brought against ACI? That will put the matter to rest (though somehow I think not, in your case). Yet to be seen is whether loans used to defray legal expenses drawn… Read more »

David | Dah•veed |
David | Dah•veed |
14 years ago

Whoa! Some of you folks need to slow down and go back and check some facts. For although we are in agreement in many things regarding our progressive stand, you folks are in error in regard to the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion. This committee was not created from whole cloth by either the ABC or the ACO. It has existed for some time and is officially constituted by the by-laws of the ACC. The only thing new is its name. In the past it was named the Joint Standing Committee… and consisted of the Standing Committee of the… Read more »

14 years ago

Dear Emily (and Mr Lapinbizarre) — Wait no longer! Let me encourage you to contact the Bishop of Colorado, Rob O’Neil, and confer with the principals in this matter. No charges have been been brought against ACI. Your intimations are groundless and have always been. But to the point at issue. I would genuinely welcome your view. Should monies given in bequest to the DFMS be made available for legal expenses in the form of loans? If you happened to have given $1M to fund missionary work, would you believe it proper for church officials to loan that money to… Read more »

14 years ago

Still on the topic of money, I note that the Huffington Post is reporting a possible change of heart on the part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania; ‘it had said in April that it would reject the “money” and “support” of those who support the “legitimacy” of same-sex marriage’, and that “It’s time Africa preached to the rest of the world, and remind them of God’s word.” The 4.6 million-member ELCA is the largest contributor to the Tanzanian church, paying them more than $1,000,000 in the 2009 fiscal year. ‘Last summer, after years of debate, the ELCA voted… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“But to the point at issue. I would genuinely welcome your view. Should monies given in bequest to the DFMS be made available for legal expenses in the form of loans?” – C. Seitz, on Tuesday – To perhaps the same degree as that which was given for mission by the dissidents in North America, in order for ex-bishops to pursue litigation against the lawfully established Episcopal Church in the United States (TEC). Who pays for that? Another thing, Mr Seitz: as a member of the New Zealand Anglican Church, who understands the titles given to many of the official… Read more »

14 years ago

‘The only thing new is its name.’

How very Animal Farm and 1984. This is how obfuscation is practised. Keeping changing the names and acronyms until no-one can any longer follow. Not good practice. Not straight.

14 years ago

Just that one likes to know for sure, Dr Seitz, that those lecturing us on morality do not have egg on their own faces, as happens from time to time. Thank you for your response.

14 years ago

The fact of the matter is that the “Anglican Communion Institute” is a self-named entity that exists of three (formerly four or six) guys who have a website. It has no particular standing in the Communion and the only credibility it has is whatever credibility a credulous listener wants to give it. It has exactly the same standing, within the Communion, as Simple Massing Priest, Wounded Bird, My Manner of Life, Telling Secrets, Anglicans Online, Thinking Anglicans or any other blog. Their previous association with the accused fraudster Donald Armstrong, while doubtless embarrassing to the remaining participants, is actually quite… Read more »

14 years ago

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not an opinionated hack — you’re a Thinking Anglican!

14 years ago

The vast majority of people who post comments online – regardless of the subject area – are opinionated, Christopher. I don’t use or take the phrase “opinionated hack” as a particular insult, either when I apply it to myself or when I apply it to you. But I will note that my opinionated scribblings do not purport to be the voice of anyone but me. Indeed, my blog gives prominence to the following statement: “Comments here do not represent the official views of my parish, my diocese, my bishop or the Anglican Church of Canada. Neither do they purport to… Read more »

Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

“On hackery, I do have to comment on the overwrought and overworked writing style common to your site. The third sentence of your current front page article begins “”It was later explicated by . . .” I mean, really.”

Urk – and unnecessary use of the passive voice! Evidently, mistakes were made (to quote President Nixon).

14 years ago

Thanks for calling attention to our new article at ACI (whose name comes from the “The Anglican Institute” joining with SEAD–formed at Virginia Seminary in the 80s). I am not a Thinking Anglican but if I were, I’d find it decidedly unthinking to be reading an entry on Bishop Azad and seeing almost nothing on the thread about him or the Standing Committee. Instead I’d be learning about someone who calls himself a ‘simple massing priest’ from rural Canada; someone called lapinbizzare and EmilyH who make serious charges of illegality; and hackery defined as using the passive voice. That’s enough… Read more »

14 years ago

I see that Christopher is adept at the Glenn Beck method of debate, misrepresenting what others have said, declaring victory and running away. One half expects to see him standing in a flight suit on the deck of an aircraft carrier. While it is amusing that he justifies the grandiose name of his wee blog based on the names of previous (and now defunct) grandiose names, he fails to address the point often made that the Anglican Communion Institute likes to imply that it has some official standing when, in fact, it has no more standing than any other gang… Read more »

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