Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – press reports

Riazat Butt in The Guardian General Synod meets to discuss Catholic defection

Martin Beckford in the Telegraph Archbishops face test of authority over women bishops at Synod

Ruth Gledhill in The Times and reproduced here, Bishops ready to sabotage Williams over consecrating women.

ENS Matthew Davies General Synod set for lengthy debate on women bishops legislation

Press Association Further debates over women bishops

BBC Views differ on women bishops compromise bid

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14 years ago

when articles like this start to appear:

intended not for a knowing church audience but the general reader then it’s time that General Synod took seriously what the impact of this decision will have on the credibility of the church at large.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Church of England clergy will tomorrow meet a senior Roman Catholic bishop to discuss conversion on the very day the General Synod attempts to reach a compromise over the ordination of women as bishops, the issue at the heart of their possible defection.” – Riazat Butt, The Guardian – If this report is true (and one has to be careful here of the sources) then the clergy meeting the R.C. Bishop, to discuss options ‘in case’ the General Synod does not give them ‘special provisions’ to avoid dealing with women bishops; ought to move on to their new Church pasture… Read more »

14 years ago

[Off-topic: talk about mixed feelings! On the one hand, it only makes sense that “VirtueLess” would fail to respect copyright (of Gledhill’s column, used in full). On the other hand, I was glad to read it!] It’s about time that the CofE’s “liberal bishops” (I kind of hate that one must use the ideological term, to convey the radical notion (!) that women are fully Imago Dei :-/) stopped being doormats. The misogynist crowd is determined to “destroy the CofE in order to save it” (from ovaries). Then again, perhaps destroying the CofE is really their purpose and (Roman-issued) assignment?… Read more »

Lister Tonge
Lister Tonge
14 years ago

‘Where can we be sure of the best deal to enshrine our personal preferences?’ does not sound like an ‘integrity’. But it has long masqueraded as a certain sort of Anglo-Catholicism.

Few will take up the Ordinariate. I still look forward to discovering why the Holy Father should think that a group of Anglicans who have long pretended (for all they are worth) to be Roman Catholics should wish to swap that freedom for a Roman Catholicism that pretends to be Anglican (minus freedom to pick and choose).

14 years ago

When articles like this start to appear:

Excellent analysis. We need more of this…

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