Thinking Anglicans

some press comment on yesterday's debate

The Observer has an editorial, The church should always put humanity before unity. Sexual equality, rather than schism, should be the Archbishop of Canterbury’s foremost concern.

This article also deals with the Southwark episcopal appointment.

Cif belief has an article by Una Kroll Women bishops: what God would want.

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Dr Williams has too often submerged his own liberal inclinations in what he sees as a higher duty to preserve institutional unity, Now, surely his priorities should change.” – Observer Editorial – “Carpe Diem” seems to be the appropriate response to what the Observer observes as being necessary – in order to preserve the integrity of the Church of England, never mind the world-wide Communion. Sadly, the original attempt to accommodate the anti-women clergy did institutionalize the side-stepping of women’s ministry – by affording a dubious method of ‘alternate oversight; by those oddities who came to be known as ‘Flying… Read more »

14 years ago

“The church should always put humanity before unity.”

…or rather, if the CofE puts “unity before humanity”, they’ll get NEITHER.

14 years ago

Guess I’m a Guardian sort, so the following resonates resoundingly with me: Quote Most of Britain has accepted that women can assume positions of authority and that homosexuality is a quite ordinary part of human experience. The explicit discrimination practised by the church is unacceptable in most non-religious settings and would be illegal if expressed by any other employer. There are, meanwhile, ample theological grounds for accepting that women are not created subordinate to men and that homosexuality is not hateful in the eyes of God. Dr Williams was determined not to go down in history as the Archbishop who… Read more »

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