Thinking Anglicans

Presiding Bishop challenges all to 'show up'

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church preached this morning at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin.

ENS reports In Dublin sermon, presiding bishop challenges all to ‘show up’ to heal the world.

“We’re challenged in this very body to ‘show up,’ to present ourselves ready, willing, and able to help heal this broken world,” Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said on Jan. 30 during her sermon at the 9 a.m. Sung Eucharist service at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland.

Highlighting sobering statistics of child mortality rates in some parts of the world – like Angola, where nearly 20 percent of children die before their first birthday – Jefferts Schori said the healing of the world “needs the participation and leadership of all parts of the body of Christ. It starts with urgent voices, and changed hearts, our own conversion, and our challenge to systems that perpetuate all kinds of sickness and death around the world.”

Jefferts Schori noted the brutal murder of Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato, who was bludgeoned to death in his home community on Jan. 26.

Kato “has been a strong voice for the basic human rights of gay and lesbian people,” Jefferts Schori said. “His voice has been silenced. We can pray that others will continue that work, or be challenged by the brutality of his death into some conversion of heart. Will we challenge the world to respect the dignity of every single human being?”

The full text of the sermon is available here.

Link to video recording of sermon.

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14 years ago

I think she’s jolly good: very wide-ranging, deft, challenging without being judgemental, nice and concrete, while upholding basic Christian theology.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

David Kato was murdered on Wednesday. It is now Sunday and still no word from his Archbishop. The silence from Uganda is deafening.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

Richard the Archbishop has condemned it already.

And now the primates’ meeting has.

(I think it was on TA and on Pinknews)

Simon Sarmiento
14 years ago

I think Richard was referring to the Archbishop of Uganda.

Peter Edwards
Peter Edwards
14 years ago

I think +KJS is phenomenal. I just wish I didn’t cry every time I hear her; and I can’t send any more emails in admiration – two is enough; and a personally-directed reply from her office is more than enough. She commands the attention of her audience in a way that I have only previously experienced from ++Michael Ramsey & +Michael SSF. Those who cannot accept that she is a bishop must surely prayerfully accept that she is a prophet. If she did the weather forecast, I would believe her!

14 years ago

The more I read and hear from the PB, the more I wish TEC would cross boundaries and she could become my Archbishop!

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
14 years ago

Thanks Simon. I was referring to the silence from Orombi. I just don’t see how ++Rowan could be reported as ‘defending’ The Archbishop of Uganda. As he says ‘ words have consequences’.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

““We’re challenged in this very body to ‘show up,’ to present ourselves ready, willing, and able to help heal this broken world,”

– Presiding Bishop Katherione Schori, TEC –

Not at all a bad summary of the Gospel precepts, if one is allowed to say so. Too bad the absent primates were not there to hear it. But they wouldn’t have believed her take on it anyway – because she’s female. So sad!

Simon Sarmiento
14 years ago

Richard, see the item above on Primates Meeting: media coverage for further remarks about the ABC defending Orombi’s position.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

Sorry about my mistake, Richard.

14 years ago

What would it take, what would we in TEC have to do, to begin planting our own missions in England for those who wish to opt out of the Old Boys’ Network that the CofE has become?

If Rowan is the best they can get into Canterbury, it may be time to officially cut ties. Is the title “Anglican” really worth lives and souls?

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