Thinking Anglicans

more on the Legal Opinion

Today the Church Times has this leader: Gay bishops again.

After summarising the non-story aspect of last weekend’s reports, it comments on the content:

In May, our view was a negative one, since the document listed several reasons why the appointment of a gay bishop could be blocked. This week’s positive spin has not changed our opinion. As the leaders of the “gay-led” Metropolitan Commun­ity Church in Manchester wrote to Dr Williams this week, “We note that [unlike a gay candidate] heterosexual candidates for bishop­rics are not asked to repent of any sexual activity with which the Crown Appointments Commission may be uncom­fortable.” More than one serving bishop has said that he would have con­sidered it an impertinence had he been asked about his sexual history.

The legal advice has no more weight now than before it was circulated to Synod members. It was not approved by the Bishops when they discussed it in May, not least because, to many, the brief was not how to remove discrimination within the Church, but how to continue it untroubled by the law.

The earlier report in the Church Times was House of Bishops divided on keeping out homosexuals.

Letters to the editor on the subject in the following two weeks are first here, and then here.

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Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“The legal advice has no more weight now than before it was circulated to Synod members. It was not approved by the bishops when they discussed it in May, not least because, to many the brief was not how to remove discrimination within the Church, but how to continue it, untroubled by the law”. – Church Times Leader, 24 June 2011 – This appraisal, by the Church Times, would seem to imply that the Church’s legal advisors were specifically briefed to provide ways and means of circumventing the requirement to comply with the law – on matters concerning discrimination against… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
13 years ago

Readers of this article may also find the following of interest:

Is the Synod’s ‘legal advice’ on Civil Partnerships strictly legal?

Spirit of Vatican II
13 years ago

All this sticky homophobic maneuvring makes the C of E distinctly unattractive. Not that the medieval dungeons of the RCC are any better.

A J Barford
A J Barford
13 years ago

Luke 11 vv. 37 – end

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