Thinking Anglicans

opinion for a synod

Canon C K Robertson is visiting the General Synod and has written this for The Huffington Post: Independent but Connected. Canon Robertson is the Canon to the Presiding Bishop of The (American) Episcopal Church.

In this week’s Cif belief in The Guardian Andrew Brown writes about The archbishop and the prisoners.
“On a prison visit, Rowan Williams shows a wittier, humbler side – and an enthusiasm for unglamorous projects.”

Also in The Guardian the Archbishop of Canterbury talks to David Hare “about taking on the coalition, the atheists – and why life isn’t like a Woody Allen movie.” Rowan Williams: God’s boxer

Also in Cif belief Theo Hobson writes that Anglicans should throw out dry tradition.
“Churches should rip up the pews and encourage real participation, and make the act of worship again.”

John Dominic Crossan writes in The Huffington Post about The Search for the Historical Paul: Which Letters Did He Really Write?

Also in The Huffington Post Greg Carey asks What Does the Bible Actually Say About Marriage?

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times Tweet that good-news message.

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13 years ago

While it’s bully for him that he has discovered liturgy and ritual, Mr Hobson is about thirty to forty years behind the times. Anecdotal evidence everywhere is pointing to a renewed life for those “dry traditions” with which he wants to dispense. Altars are being restored to their original eastward positions, young people and young families are seeking out parishes where traditional plainsong and Anglican chant are used, and traditional hymnody is the norm. Even the fad of “Taize worship” is seeing its day in many places, in a return to our own traditions. Saint Mark’s in the Bowery is… Read more »

13 years ago

“You’re behind the times!” “No, you’re behind the times!”

Yeah, that’s constructive (Not). Maybe different people are living in, so to speak, different times? Why an Either/Or, Anthony? [And Theo?] Isn’t there room enough in the Anglican tradition(s) for ALL of us?


It’s interesting to see the Huffington Post religion pages, becoming so similar to the Guardian’s religion pages: welcoming very “in-house” religious discussion, before a general audience (which may welcome it OR be very hostile to it.)

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