Thinking Anglicans

opinion for the Transfiguration

Pierre Whalon at Anglicans Online asks (and answers) What is Anglicanism?

Giles Fraser writes for the Church Times about Probing the virtues of economic growth.

Mr CatOLick asks Why does Christianity hurt the young?

Bill Carroll writes for the Episcopal Café: Wounded by God.

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David Shepherd
13 years ago

Well done, Pierre, you rocked it! (pun intended)

Sara MacVane
Sara MacVane
13 years ago

Thanks to Bill Carroll for his thoughts on this mysterious and to me quite wonderful story of Jacob, blessed and blessé. Bless comes from the same root as blood and further back still to bless and blesser (to wound) may indeed be related. Every blessing then is something of a wound, a vulnerability perhaps.

13 years ago

I agree: +Whalon’s piece is very good. Two quick comments: 1) “if one subscribes to the notion that submission to the papacy equals the Church”: I imagine someone like Robert Ian Williams would say that that’s been true since Christ named Simon “Peter.” [Au contraire, I find the “Peter = Pope(s)” a Romanist self-serving tautology, but nevermind.] 2) “We tend to wait for people to ‘come and see’ rather than go to meet them where they are. Often, we are unable to see how elitist this can appear.” I agree . . . to a point. And the point is,… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“Anglicanism is a different approach to being church. Rather than a doctrinal construct like the Westminster Confession or a theologico-political entity like the Church of Rome, Anglicanism is a method for being Christian. Not THE method — we know better” – Bp.Pierre Whalon – A very good point here – made by Bishop Whalon – refers to the unique situation of world-wide Anglicanism which, being provincially rather than magisterially led, has had the freedom – at least until now – to pursue the Gospel in situ. This frees the Provinces to bring the Gospel values to bear on the local… Read more »

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