Thinking Anglicans


Jonathan Jones writes in The Guardian that Our churches are filled with hidden beauty.
“Despite the ravages of the Reformation, Britain’s churches are still full of glorious medieval art. What are the best examples in your area?”

David Lose asks in The Huffington Post What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality?

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that, Unlike iPads, we are not disposable.

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Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

I find David Lose’s ‘Huffington Post article quite helpful. It does require an understanding that hermeneutics, as a discipline, needs to be constantly up-dated. After all, Jesus did turn some of the Scribal understanding of the Bible on its head. We need continually to be ask the question: What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church today!

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
13 years ago

Father Ron:

The problem is that so many…all over the world and in a variety of churches…strongly believe the Spirit stopped talking to us when the last book of the Canon was finished.

13 years ago

Catholicism has an understanding of a living tradition but developments are never in opposition to scripture. We certainly don’t believe the Holy Spirit stopped talking when the canon was finished. It was the Catholic Church that defined what the canon was – the bible didn’t just drop down out of the sky.

13 years ago

Developments are never in opposition to Scripture, which, as we’re told in the same statement, was *defined* by those who are entrusted with the developments, who are also the ones telling you what Scripture *really* says. Uh-huh. I see. Yeah. That doesn’t sound “politically convenient” at all. So, let’s amend: Some – many – believe the Holy Spirit stopped talking when the last book of canon finished, while others believe it only speaks when it says what they want it to. And YET! . . . no one understands why Christianity gains no purchase. Why it is not hated, reviled,… Read more »

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