Thinking Anglicans

Christmas Sermons

Today’s Church Times has reports of several Christmas Day sermons: ‘Atomised’ Britain is urged to seek God’s forgiveness.

The full texts of some are available online.
Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Wales
Bishop of Salisbury
Bishop of St Albans
Bishop of Bath and Wells
Archbishop of Westminster, also available here
Archbishop of Dublin
Archbishop of Sydney
Archbishop of Perth
Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral Glasgow

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Interesting for me – among all of the sermons that have been listed here – that the Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, should have offered one of the most understandably incarnational. There was no anti-gay or anti women rhetoric – just the plain Gospel of God’s en-fleshing through His Son, Jesus, and how that has affected the viability of our human en-God-ness since that time. If only the ABS would concentrate on the salvific nature of our religious experience – instead of emphasising the specific problems he has with gender and sexuality – I’m sure he would meet with a… Read more »

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