I’ve taken the liberty of copying Rachel’s blog account of her reasons for leaving, and then returning, to the Church – because I think we need to understand the young people of our modern world – who may not see the particular ways of ‘doing Church’, as we do them, to be ‘their thing’. If we can only be patient with different ways of understanding ‘the great love of God as revealed in the Son’, it may be that people like Rachel will actually want to become part of a loving, caring, community of people who are outrageously accepting, caring… Read more »
I’ve taken the liberty of copying Rachel’s blog account of her reasons for leaving, and then returning, to the Church – because I think we need to understand the young people of our modern world – who may not see the particular ways of ‘doing Church’, as we do them, to be ‘their thing’. If we can only be patient with different ways of understanding ‘the great love of God as revealed in the Son’, it may be that people like Rachel will actually want to become part of a loving, caring, community of people who are outrageously accepting, caring… Read more »