Thinking Anglicans

Worcester Diocesan Synod and the bishops' amendment

Worcester Diocesan Synod met last night and passed this emergency motion by 38 votes to 5.

This Synod calls upon the members of General Synod to support an adjournment of the debate on final approval of the Draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure, so that the House of Bishops can reconsider its recent amendment to clause 5.

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Father David
Father David
12 years ago

It’s catching.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

The diocesan synods seem to be realsing that their views count, that they can make their views known and be heard ! They do not need to accept the BBS* any longer ! I wonder if the general synod will show similar resourcefulness, integrity, and authority – it may take more courage ! Standing up to bullies is scary but can be effective – how they fall. But hey it’s worth it ! * Bishops’ / Bishop’s BS * delete as appropriate If only the laity and all ministers had spoken out over Jeffrey John incident and supported Richard Harries,… Read more »

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